"Sorry for startling you," she offered apologetically. "I'm Dinah Swag, Dawg."

Camila raised an eyebrow at this odd woman. "Um, Dinah Swag? You call yourself Dinah Swag?"

"Yeah, so? I like calling myself that" Dinah explained simply, giving a wide toothy grin.

"Um, okay..." Camila shook her head slightly. "So... where exactly are we, Dinah Swag?" Camila asked, looking around at the blank white surroundings again.

"We are, wherever you want to be," Dinah said vaguely. "It's quite nice here, don't you think?"

"Well, yeah I guess, but-"

"There's also something I need to discuss with you," Dinah cut in. "Something a little bit important."

Camila gave Dinah a curious look. "Um, okay. What is it?"

"Well you see, I work with all that fate mumbo jumbo," Dinah began to explain, "and it's been brought to my attention by my superiors that you killed Mr. Jauregui back in the real world. Which is wonderful because, you know, avenging your death and all that fun stuff," Dinah started. Then she scrunched her face up, "buuuut, you also kind of meddled with fate a little bit."

"What do you mean?" Camila asked, raising an eyebrow. Was Dinah some sort of master of fate or something?

"Eh, well you know," the woman started, "you messed with how fate had planned everything out. Specifically when you caught that bullet and flung it back at Mr. Jauregui like it was a hacky-sack. No ghost has ever been able to do that before, and we really weren't planning on it happening. You knocked our fate plans all out of whack, just blew them to smithereens," Dinah said, making an exploding hand movement. "Made us re-think everything and question our life choices and stuff, you know?"

"Um, I'm sorry I'm not sorry," Camila said with a hesitant shrug, not fully sure were the woman was going with this.

Dinah, seeing Camila's confused face, sighed exasperatedly as she tried to think of the simplest terms to put it. "You see dawg, you tampered with fate," she stated bluntly. "When Mr. Jauregui shot that gun, Lauren was supposed to die. That was how we had it planned."

Camila's eyes widened at this, her breath snagging in her throat. "Oh my gosh. What?" she whispered. She didn't even want to imagine what it would have been like to see Lauren get killed, to see the bullet impale her body, the light leave her emerald green eyes and watch as her body fell with a sickening thump at the hands of her own father, the same man that had murdered Camila; just thinking of it made her chest hurt, and she couldn't begin to fathom how horrible the situation would have turned out if her favourite girl had died. How the situation was supposed to pan out, had Camila not tampered with fate.

Seeing the Camila's expression, Dinah softened her resolve. "Yeah, it would have been horrible, but it was how it was supposed to be. However, you caught the bullet and flung it back at him, something that I've never seen happen before. Like ever. Which is a little bit awesome in a way," the woman assured Camila, demonstrating the word 'little' with her index finger and thumb. "You can be proud of that accomplishment and stuff I guess. You know, even though you've messed up my plans and made this whole thing a bit difficult."

"What are you getting at exactly? What's going to happen?" Camila asked, slightly nervous.

Dinah hunched her shoulders, looking thoughtful. "Well, if Lauren were to die that night, you and Mr. Jauregui would have still been stuck down there, and I would have only had to take care of one soul," the woman began to explain, holding up one finger. "But, you meddled, and now instead of one soul,  I have to unexpectedly take care of two: yours and Mr. Jauregui's," the woman held up a second finger for emphasis.

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