"Geminae." Rory knew the feeling would be strange, but she had never felt anything like it. She could feel her body shifting and morphing into the witch beneath her. Her hair shrunk to her shoulders, taking on the deep black shade. She watched in awe as the rest of her body changed.

"How do you feel?" Aidan checked in concern.

"I'm fine, I feel ready," she told him as the last of her body finished morphing into the witch beneath her.

"All right, you know what you're doing?" Maximus checked as Rory placed her hands on the witch.

"Of course I don't," Rory denied before closing her eyes and focusing.

"No, why would you?" Aidan muttered sarcastically, letting out a stressed sigh.

Rory ignored him, trying to get into her mind. Grunting slightly, she forced herself not to pull away. She felt something strange, almost as if something was pushing her back. "I think she's fighting me," she murmured absently, attempting to pry open her mind. "Come on..." Rory urged as she tried to push against the mental barriers, lifting her head slightly before she felt her give. "There we go,"

Rory dug for the basics; all she really needed was the witch's name and some other standard information. She never looked for specific things before; she usually just got thrown into a memory against her will. She pictured the witch's mind like a book; all she needed to do was look through her table of contents and find which pages to flip through.

The name jumped at her unexpectedly.


Rory searched for anything else. She got the names of any family the girl had and found the name of her amicorda, who happened to be one of the small dragons that roam the sky. The other guard's name, Neil. She also got a glimpse of a card. It was an invitation from the coven to an event. Scanning the card, she saw it was an event to prepare for the Pacem Ball. It was tonight.

The annual ball coming up had slipped her mind; she knew they had to get out by tonight. She had no idea how this event would go, especially since this coven was invited to it. They had no choice but to go to it, people they cared about were going. Innocent people were going, and if they weren't there, the coven might kill everyone. They had no way to warn them. Rory pushed aside this memory, not wanting to overthink about the disastrous night ahead of them. She wondered if there was a way to create a communication device like a cell phone; she made a mental note to go back to this idea.

After getting everything she needed, she closed the book.

Rory opened her eyes, inhaling sharply as she let go of Lyra's shoulders, the witch glaring at her. "Her name is Lyra; I have some information about her life in case I'm asked. The other guard's name is Neil."

"Well, Lyra. You're gonna help us with something. You're gonna get us out of here, sound fun?" Malakai toyed with a coy tilt of his head. She squirmed slightly, clearly trying to talk despite the spell on her. "Actually, you don't have much of a choice."

"Shall we?" Eliphas quipped, turning to Rory. She nodded once before the two brothers grabbed her arms harshly. Rory kneeled to the ground as they shoved her arms behind her, crossing them roughly. She grunted involuntarily, craning her head up. Eliphas placed his hands over Lyra, sweeping them across her body as he murmured a spell. "Evanescet..." her body slowly began to become invisible, her icy glare being the last component of hers to disappear.

"Sorry, little sis," Aidan apologized sheepishly in a whisper as she grunted again at their tight grip. She quickly let out a stressed laugh.

"We all ready?" Rory checked once with everyone. They nodded at her and she turned her head to the stairs. Taking a deep breath, she began to wiggle in their arms as she screamed. "Neil! Neil, come down here!"

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