Chapter 16: Unsuspecting Surprise

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Third Person POV 

In Ozpin's Office 

Ozpin sat in his office, looking at Y/N's attendance while he drinks from his mug. 

Ozpin: That's strange. Y/N doesn't often miss this many days. 
He said as he scanned over Y/N's attendance and grades. 

While Ozpin was looking over Y/N's grades, Ms Goodwitch walked into the room making Ozpin put down the file. 

Ozpin: Ms Goodwitch. How can I help you today? 

Goodwitch: We need to talk to Y/N. 

Ozpin: I'm assuming this is about his attedance lately. 

Goodwitch: Yes. Do you know where he's at? 

Ozpin: I assume he's in his dorm. I've also noticed Ms Belladonna hasn't been in class either. 

Goodwitch: Well lets go see. 
She demanded. Ozpin gets up and goes with Goodwitch to Y/N's dorm. It doesn't take long for them to reach his dorm. Ozpin knocks on the door and hears something shuffling behind the door. Then the door slowly opens, revealing Y/N in his red trench coat with blue jeans. 

Y/N: Hello Professor Ozpin. Professor Goodwitch. How can I help you today? 

Goodwitch: Where were you all week!? 

Y/N: In here. Why? 

Ozpin: Y/N. Where have you and Ms Belladonna been lately? On your attendance, you've been gone for a week. 

Y/N: Well. You two might want to take a look at this. 
He said, letting them in. 

The two professors walked in and Goodwitch gasps at the sight while Ozpin stays silent. There they see a pregnant Blake as she laid in bed. 

Y/N: Now you see why I was missing class. 
He said as he sat by her while Blake laid her head on his shoulder. 

Goodwitch: Why didn't you use protection?! 
She growled. 

Ozpin: Goodwitch. Calm down. No use at getting mad at Y/N. 

Goodwitch: B-But. 

Ozpin: Y/N was the one that saved Ms Belladonna and her team when they were kidnapped. 

Goodwitch looked at Y/N, shock fro the new information. 

Y/N: Let me guess. Death-Gun told you. 
He said as Blake started nuzzling her head against him. 

Ozpin: Y/N. So what happens now? 

Y/N: I'll take care of Blake. I won't leave her for anyone else. 
He said as he held Blake close to him. 

Ozpin: That would be wise to do so. 

Goodwitch: Don't you dare leave her. 
She said with a hint of anger in her voice. 

The two professors left, leaving Y/N with Blake. Blake continues to snuggle against Y/N as he pet her ears, making her purr. 

Y/N: You're so cute when you do this. 

Blake looks at him and pecks him on the lips. 

Blake: Love you. 

Y/N: Love you too. 

To Death-Gun 

Death-Gun: So what do you think of Y/N impregnating the girl? 

Death's Messenger: If he wishes to be with her then it'll be fine. 

Cheater Emerald/Cinder X Male Reader X Blake BelladonnaWhere stories live. Discover now