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Find ways to be happy from yourself by little things :

- Pet a dog or cat
- wear your favorite clothes that you have been dreaming to wear but you scared of ppl judgments
- Be proud of your drawing
- Post your poetry and let everyone read it no matter how cheesy it can be
- Compliment someone regardless their gender and see how you secretly make them happy
- you can wake up today and breathe the fresh air and still have time to change yourself to someone better. Lots of ppl wish can be like you
- No matter what score you got, think that you done your best and be proud of it.
- You eat your favorite foods while there's a lot of ppl wish can eat like you.
- you still can laugh and be happy with friends who respect you.

Be grateful and find happiness from yourself by little things even if you have bad days. Remember, it's a bad day not bad life. Every wounds will heal
- Zanisca-

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