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I always love smart people
They change they want i talk sometimes
Change my point of view of something
Make me discover more
I always love artistic people
They have the most restless and endless thoughts
They have the most powerful touching words
Sometimes it takes time to understand artistic people
It doesnt matter where you from,
It doesnt matter if you're from the toppest university or your great career, how smart you are , artistic or rich.
If you can't treat people with kindness or talk nice then you just as same as dumb people
I met people who smoke, party or drink but some of them have the kindest heart than people who doesnt do those bad habits. Dont judge people just by their look.
Your brain, your degree , your job means nothing if you cant even treat people kindly or speak nice. Dont you ever take advantage of people who always kind to you cause when they're done. You just lose angel in this fake world
- Zanisca

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