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❝There was a time,
she couldn't contain of herself.
Thinking that she was bragged into the mud of pain just by herself.
She thought of walking alone to the lonely path,
"No one can be trusted," she said.
She decided to be alone.

She was thinking of an ending,
because there was no purpose afterall.
She had tried her best,
but nothing changed.
She was still that person of shame.
That person who everyone would laugh of.

She lastly said;
"Just if the world could be a fair place to breathe,
just if the world knew 'unconditional love' more than anything,
just if looks and appearances wouldn't be the barrier,
just if any skins person could live a normal life,
just if everyone was treated in the same good way.
Maybe living was enough to be the reason to stay."

She left,
leaving an unwritten hope on the surface of life
"Please don't be weak like me." ❝

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