Malakai stood up, running his hand down his face in frustration. "Rory! Would you stop talking!"

"So what has this all been? A plot to kill me? Don't tell me you've been working with the coven; you can't be that stupid! Do you want me dead?" Rory spat at him furiously, her eyes darker than they had ever been.

Malakai paused, raising an eyebrow. "If I wanted you dead, you wouldn't be asking that."

"And why's that?"

"Dead people don't talk," he told her shortly.

Rory froze, sputtering out random words slightly as she tried to gather her thoughts. "I don't take any comfort in that!"

"Good, you shouldn't."

"We don't have time for this, the next shift of guards will be coming back in a bit. What do we do? What else did you find out, Rory?" Channing asked impatiently, seeming jumpy. Rory briefly summed up everything the warlock told her, including the fight between Tempest and Valery.

"Why did he have me fight them?"

"He wanted to do something you couldn't go back from. He wanted you to do something the others wouldn't easily forgive. If they shut you out, you'd only have him," Eliphas informed her before a grim look took over his face. "He fails to see how ruthless your little honorable family has been in the past."

"Before anyone starts another pointless fight, how about we just make a plan to get out of here?" Eira suggested when she saw the two brothers begin to fume at Eliphas' words.

"I have an idea!" Rory gasped, eyes wide as she straightened up a little. "What if-"

"No," Aidan interrupted blandly, causing Rory to stare at him with her mouth gaping open.

"I'm sorry, what? What do you mean, no?"

"Every time you make a plan, we end up in some bizarre scenario where I, somehow, end up in some ridiculous situation that I don't wanna be in!" Aidan exclaimed wildly, his arms flailing around as he gestured to the cell. "I've known you for not even a week, and you've gotten me arrested!"

"Well, yeah... but now I'm breaking you out!" Rory reminded him sheepishly.

"That is not how to make friends!" Aidan exasperated, looking tired. Rory gave her brother an unbothered shrug; she was not sure how she could deny something entirely accurate.

"What do you have in mind?" Maximus asked her, causing his twin to stare at him incredulously. "We might as well hear what she has to say before we say no, right?"

"You two are impossible," Eira groaned dramatically.

"Back in the village, you had mentioned some sort of illusion? What does that do?" Rory asked Eliphas, thinking back to the conversation just a couple of hours ago.

"It's a spell that will temporarily make you look like someone else. It's really just a glamour of sorts, I could make you look like a teacup if I wanted to," he shrugged, scratching his chin slightly. "What do you have in mind?"

Rory grinned, an idea coming over here. "Here's what I'm thinking. But considering I've never broken out of a magical prison before, I may need some pointers."


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