Freddy is losing his baby teeth! Angela's POV

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(Lets lets go back a little)

Isaac's eyes turn grey he took his watch off and gave it to eva then her eyes started to glow and she gave him her necklace then gave him his watch back. isaac put them together like he does a rubix cube and they suddenly both fly backward and land on the back.

"Isaac!!" Bethany,Cierra and i scream as we run towards him

"Eva!" Jordan and luna scream as they run towards her. Isaac and eva didn't respond they just stared blankly at us! then they started to mumble but only for a few seconds ( they were only gone for 15 seconds)

"Isaac!! plz speak to me!" Bethany said

"Eva!!! Speak to me!! come on i just got u!! i don't want to loss u!!" Jordan said

"Isaac i don't want to loss u ever!! oh my gosh i hope it didn't......" i started to panic wat if it...i hope it didn't!!! Isaac finally blinded and shook his head

"Isaac!!!" Bethany, Cierra and i scream and give him a hug (u already know Jordan and luna said the same thing and hugged eva)

"I saw the weirdest thing!" they both said at the same time.

"Isaac wat did u see?" i said as he and eva stood up and both said at the same time wat happened

"Wait so Maddison wasn't there to see us go crazy but wen see came back she thinks we're playing tag and then this guy forms as Isaac and takes her,Angela made us crazier cuz she tried to fix us but failed then after that she tried to stop the man and he hits her with something makes her pass out then attacked Isaac and Cierra and leaves in a glowing white ball of light!" Jordan saids

"Yep!" Isaac and eva both said at the same time

"Wow! i have one more question. Angela why are they synced?" Jordan said

"Don't ask me i never learned any thing about this and there is nothing like this happened before its not even in my book! Well at least we know how to fix them!" i said looking thro my note book there is nothing thats even associated to this! I'm mean connecting two crystals together and go back in time!! i didn't even know that they could call me by connecting all their crystals! Oh no we have hit uncharted territory in super hero history!!

"Ok but first let me undo this so nothing else happens!" i said as i undid wat Isaac did.

"Wow ur almost as fast as Isaac!"Cierra said

"Thanks! I try!" i said as i finally finished it

"Wait! let me undo it!" Jordan screamed as he kissed eva. eva stared at his and kissed him back and isaac grabbed and kissed me too.

"Wait...did it work?" I asked

"Yah it did i just wanted to kiss u." Isaac said

"Aw! isacy bear!!" I said as i kissed him back

"I'm going to puke!! the four of u guys really need to.....GET A ROOM!!!" luna screamed but we all just ignored her.

(Cierra's POV)

(Time skip)

So after the two lovely couples finally stopped kissing! It was getting annoying now! Bethany, luna and i were gagging the whole dang time!!

"So how exactly do get Maddison back?" I asked

"Um.....some how turn into a glowing ball of light and it will teleport us there duh!" Isaac said sarcastically

"Yah like we can do that! We don't even know that much about who took her that all we know that!! they can look like Isaac probably even anyone of us!shot electricity balls that will knock you out immediately and last but certainly not least took Maddie friend to some unknown place to who knows where! And we don't even know why they took her! It's pretty much impossible to find her!" Jordan said

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