Like a beautiful angel Isaac POV

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I'm awaken by someone talking it was muffled

...........second oldest and ............... is the second youngest one!"

" Isaac!" I heard my name who was that i sounded familiar

"..... how...........know us again? i don't remember seeing u anywhere.......your voice is awfully familiar." Huh is that Jordan? I began to sit up and open my eyes

"Yay is'ac is wak'en up!" Was that the little girl i saved? I started to sit up but as soon as i did instance pain went through my body.

"Um.........what......happened?"i said in pain cuz my head hurts too.

"Hey Isaac nice to see u again!!"i look up see......Angela! oh yes i never thought i'd see her again i gave her big hug

"Is'ac thx for saving me!"said the little girl that i saved i wonder what caused my siblings and i to pass out

"No problem um...... i never actually heard ur name wat ur ne little girl?"i asked

She smiled and said with the cutest voice ever heard "maddi'son milleer"(Madison miller) she had some kind of ascent i think she was French.

"Um..... Let me get this straight Isaac after Bethany,ciera and i passed out u saved....Maddison?" Jordan said near give me a heart attack i didn't even see him!

"Um...yah i was a little tipsy at the time all i remember is everyone passed out. and i jumped in after the little girl and.......falling to the ground and..........that it"i said slowly it hurts my head when i talk.

"Well i for one think that was awesome!! Maddison told me everything!!" Said Angela as Bethany and ciera woke up

Angela walked towards them and tended to them

"So what did Isaac do?" ciera asked

"Well Isaac save Maddison from drowning! u see after u passed out Maddison fell in the water Isaac jumped i the air a caught her mid air they both fell in the water and they were down there for awhile then thats when i came and saw u guys "sleeping" and knew something was wrong the ceira grabbed my foot and said Isaac and a little girl fell off the cliff i looked down but i didn't see anything i thought i was too late but all of a sudden i see this huge grey little come from the water it got extremely bright!! then it flew out of the water and into the air then when it came back down Isaac was appeared with Maddison! he laid her down on the grass and put his hand over her and she start to cough up water isaac saved her!! and then Isaac passed out i guess the external energy detachment device took full effect ether that or all that excitement was too much for u to handle! anyways that was amazing how u guys work to save her and was brave to try to save her! but i'll let u know they will be they will be many more and they will be even more challenging then this! they will be more deadly and life threatening but as long as u work together , don't give and don't forget to have faith in God.

There is nothing u can't do!!!"

"Wait? wat do u mean r we lile superheroes or something?"jordan said

"Yes, or corse u r why else would u have powers?"Angela said she had a good point why else would we have powers!"

"But how did we get them why did we get them?"ask ciera she is right why do we have them?

"Cuz u were born with them but they weren't released yet! u see God makes everyone here on this earth for a reason and he gives everyone there own special gift and he gave u guy super powers! u should be happy very few people get super powers only 4% of the whole human race has super powers and only 1% of them use there powers its really sad!"

"But we got our powers from these crystals didn't we?" Bethany asked

"Well not exactly....they just unlocked them in a sort of a harsh way sorry about that!"

"Wait how do u know all of this?" Jordan asked

"Cuz i am on of u im a super too!"

"Wait..... are u related to us in anyway?"i asked hoping she would say no...

" i'm from a completely different family....i think?" she hesitated but thats good enough for me i was relied but it seemed like jordan was too and at her is he? he better not! if so......well he better not she's mine!!!!i will fight till she's mine i'll never give up until she's mine!!!

I was brought back to reality

"Isaac!! did u me i said we better go and find this little girls mom!"said Angela i nod and jordan laughs at me while he links his arm with her's oh no he didn't!!!

"Is'ac u can walk with me!" said little Maddison so i grabbed her hand and we walk towards jordan and angela

I will avenge u jordan!!!! she's mine!!

Cuz.........I'm................maxwell acachalla.............

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