I'm batman!!! Bethany

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Ah....ah.... Ahhhhhh ah cheeeeew!!!!!"
Ciera sneezed and the table caught on fire again!! this time ten times worse!!
Jordan ran out of the kitchen lick a manic and Isaac and i ran a filled up bigger bowls of water as ciera just sat there start at the fire i dump a a bowl full of water on the fire it stop for a sec and blow up in fire again but even bigger!!! "HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE!!!!"me and Isaac said at the same time and we keep running back and forth every time the fire got bigger this time the whole kitchen was on fire
"Ciera!!! don't just stand there looking at help us!!"i said
"Mom is going to kill us when she gets home!!" said Isaac
All of a sudden Jordan runs in with the fire hydrant and started spraying everywhere all over the place
I look Ciera here eyes..... they were red
I looked the table , i looked at ciera
She's looking at the fire.....
"Jordan!"i screamed as i pointed to ciera at first he didn't get it but then
Jordan walked over to ciera the stop midway looked at me his eyes were blue (bright blue, extremely blue!!!)he gave me the hydrant and put his hand out in front of ciera
"Jordan what are u....." I said but Isaac stop me his eyes were grey....what is going on everyones eyes are turning a different color!! as looked at Jordan i notice that ice was coming out of his....his...his hand!
All of a sudden ciera fell to the floor the and Jordan looked at Isaac, Isaac nods and turns to the fire and stomps immediately a big gust of wind come in to kitchen it nearly knocked me over...
(Is this creeping any one else out or is this just me?!)
I close my eye cuz the wind is starting hurt my eyes
The wind stops
I open my eye......and....the....kitchen it...its...

(U know what why stop here i'll keep going)

Completely clean everything's clean the table its.....its.... not burn neath are the walls!!!
"Bethany help me we need to get ciera up stair."jordan said as his eyes were still blue they actually at starting creep me out..
(Time skips)

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