Someone like you

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'someone like you'

His eyes are beautiful like limpid, vast distances of oceans to dive into and swim for eternity. The only difference between yours, the eternity. As if someone pulled on the plug, all the water circles and flushed out leaving your eyes empty. Empty of love. For me. Oceans apart, you both are.

i swim into your waters.
your waters, mixed with the intoxicants which held me to you
corrupted by the lies you spun, so i can stay up, waste my life with you
the water, it's not blue anymore.
like your eyes, the one thing i still get lost in
it's turning black.
black by all the foreign bodies, also swimming, replacing my place, every other night.

he is different.
his waves are refreshing, touching my soul.
kissing my face with the most delicate and tender lips.
the water, scurrying through my veins as if my blood demands to be fed it. to feel it. to feel him.

i float across him every day. i find him swimming calmly, walking past me, with the same elegance you engulfed me with.
in his ocean, i find myself breathing. unlike yours, where i constantly gasp for the slightest amount of oxygen that my body can receive, here i am breathing, even in the depths where his corals sweetly brush my cheek,
feels like fireworks, inside the water, igniting my body, like the first time you welcomed me in your arms,
the first time i felt home.
but it can't be you.
he can't be you.
he might be someone.
someone, similar to you,
someone, like you.
but no.
he's not,
—diza; co written w @ niyachheda

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