Chapter 20

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We walked towards the house, where Wesley was staying at. When, we got there, we waited outside, behind a bush and waited, but I felt pain going through out my body. They were hurting Cali. I didn't wait, I ran towards the house, killing whoever got in my way, I looked behind me and saw the pack members fighting with the rouges, I broke the front door open. Everybody ran to me, I started to fight with them and the pack member helped me.

"Ryder, I found her " Shawn yelled to me

He came with me including Drew,Nathan, Jonathan, and Zack. I snapped the rouges neck and ran towards Shawn, but somebody came in front of me and it was a brown wolf

'It's Wesley' Jacob, my wolf, told me, I growled at Wesley and he growled back

We walked in a circle and he was the first to attack me, I moved out of the way, he stopped and snap his head to me. He growled and ran towards me, I pushed him away and changed in to my wolf.

"Let me be in control " Jacob told me

"I don't know"I told him as Wesley jumped on back without me noticing

I tried to get him off of me, but he sink his teeth in to my back

"Now you want me to?" Jacob asked me, amused

"Shut up and take over " I yelled at him

He was in control now, he tried to shaked Wesley off, but he stayed on. Jacob started to hit Wesley back on the wall and Wesley let go.
"Shawn, take Cali back to the pack house with Zack " I told him while Jacob was taking care of Wesley

"I got her and me and Zack are leaving right now " He told me

"I want y'all to get there safe " I told them

"Yes Alpha" And he shut off the link

I focus back on Jacob, he bit into Wesley's shoulder and Wesley howl in pain, but Jacob put his paw on Wesley's throat.

"I hope you enjoy Hell" Jacob told him and killed him right there 

But, there was a surprise for us

"CARSON" Georgia yelled as she ran towards Carson

I turned my wolf head to Carson and there he was on the ground, bleeding heavily, he was breathing slowly. Georgia had Carson's head in her lap, crying her eyes out

"Carson's her mate " Jacob told me

That explains everything. Why she took Carson to the pack doctor after I almost killed him

I shifted back in to my human form and looked at Drew

"Take him to the pack doctor, quickly " I told him, he nodded, ran over to Carson, picked him up and ran off, but Georgia wasn't having it

She jumped on Drew's back

"Don't take him away from me!"Georgia growled, digging her nails in to him

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