Chapter 10

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"Hello"I said

"How's my baby doing"The voice sounded familiar. Wesley

I walk away from the crew

"I'm not your baby!"I told him

"Don't deny it"He told me

"I already did"I told him

"You love being with me"Wesley told me

"I never did and why are you calling me?"I asked him

"I'm going to get you back"He told me

"No your not"I told him

"I am dear. How's my spy,Shawn doing?"He asked me,I stood there shocked,hurt,and angry

"Did he tell you?"I asked him

"I can't tell you,dear"He told me

"Tell me"I demanded

"You were always demanding"Wesley told me

"Answer me!"I demand

"He told me everything"Wesley told me

I threw my phone and walked towards Shawn. When I got to him,I pushed him to the wall,he groaned

"I trusted you. Everybody did even Charlotte,your mate"I told him,getting in his face

"What are you talking about,Cali"David asked me

"He's working for Wesley"I told him,getting away from Shawn,David stared at me with disbelief

"I thought he died?"David asked me

"He's been alive the whole time and this asshole told him everything about me"I told him,glaring at Shawn

"I-I had to"Shawn told me,looking scared,guilty

"Give me a good reason?"I told him

"He found out that I had a mate and he said he would kill her,if I didn't follow his orders. I'm sorry,I didn't want to,but I wanted Charlotte safe"He told me,looking at Charlotte,who was hurt

"Are you telling me the truth?"I asked him

"I am,I'm not lying. I love being here,but Wesley was the main reason. I promise you,I didn't want to do this"He told me

"You still lied to us and maybe we can forgive you or we can't forgive,but I can't forgive you because my life has been shit ever since I left my pack"I told him

"I'm sorry"He told me

"What are you broken? Stop saying sorry because I hate people feeling bad for me! I hate everything,I want to kill myself because my mate thinks I'm planning war on his pack,but I'm not and Wesley always stalks me because he loves me while I don't. He brought me a engagement ring! A ENGAGEMENT RING! I took it,but I gave it to his mate because he didn't care about her,but the next thing you know,he got her pregnant. PREGNANT! You hear me, PREGNANT! He didn't stay with her because he didn't want the baby,but I help her with everything! EVERYTHING! You want to know something else? Of course you do. She died. SHE'S DEAD,D-E-A-D,DEAD! She died with the baby because he killed her and his child. HE KILLED HIS OWN MATE AND CHILD! I tried to get away from him,but he always came back,but one day-"I was cut off by David

"Cali don't"David told me,looking at him

"I have to tell them,David"I told him,looking back at the crew

"My father told me that Wesley died by a rouge,I never believed that,but he was gone and I was okay,but now he's back and he knows where I am because of YOU! YOU,SHAWN!"I yelled at him,he looked scared

Everybody did,but they were looking behind me,I look behind me and saw white feathers,I started to get scared. I screamed and ran towards the back door

"Cali!"Ryder yelled,but I didn't listen

I ran to the bathroom,everybody was looking at me,but I just ran,I ran inside the bathroom,locked the door and looked at the mirror. I screamed when I saw I had 2 white wings on my back. Somebody was banging on the door,but I ignore them and stared at my wings,the door flew open,but I didn't look who it was because it Ryder. Ryder came closer to me,but I continue to stare at my wings,Ryder turned my head to face him

"It's going to be okay,Cali"He told me

"How?"I asked him,scared

"Because were all here for you. Even me"Ryder told me

"But,you thought I was planning war on your pack because I was talking to my parents"I told him,looking down

"I'm sorry. My family and your family doesn't have the best relationship"Ryder told me,I looked up at him

"Why?"I asked him,concerned

"My dad killed your dad's brother,your uncle"Ryder told me,looking at me with guilt

"Why?"I asked him

"Your uncle kidnapped my mom,but my dad,his brother and him were step-brothers"Ryder told me

I moved away from him and stared at myself in the mirror

"I need to go home"I told him,walking towards the door,he grabbed my arm,I looked at him

"Stay here"He told me,looking at me with sad and tried eyes

"I'll stay if you get some sleep and I can call my family"I told him,he nodded

We walked outside the bathroom,but I stopped,Ryder stopped and looked at me

"What's wrong?"He asked me

"My wings"I told him,plating with my fingers

Ryder raised my head up,my eyes connected with his

"It doesn't matter what people think about you because your beautiful and your perfect just the way you are"He told me,smiling down at me,I blushed

"Thanks and I still don't forgive you"I told him

"I know"He told me,looking sad

I kissed his cheek and looked at him

"Your getting close"I told him,he looks at confused

"What do you mean?"He asked me

"For forgiving you"I told him,I kissed his cheek one more time and ran towards mine and David's old room

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