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Wesley hurt me to the point, that I could never have children. The doctor told us, it would be impossible for me to have kids because of what Wesley did to me. It was hard for us especially Ryder because he might never be a father. I hated myself for that and everything else. Ryder wouldn't talk to me or looked at me, it would always break my heart to see my mate like that because I couldn't have our pup, but everything changed. Ryder started to talk to me and we had our lives back until my mother was killed in a rouge attack. My father was protecting her, but when he looked away, she was gone. She was on the ground, lifeless while the rouge was smirking at my father while holding my mother's heart in his mouth. My dad went on a rampage , he killed every single rouge. Ever since that day, no rouge came through Zack's territory. Yeah, you heard me, Zack, the youngest of the triples is Alpha. The reason Nathan didn't become Alpha is because it was to much work for him and Jonathan is Jonathan, he's a party animal and the Alpha place doesn't fit him. Nathan and Zack already founded their mate and not Jonathan and he's losing hope, but he's going to each pack to find his mate, but still no mate.

5 years past

March 24th

(Cali Is 22, Ryder is 26, Carson is 25, Georgia 21, Drew is 26, David is 21, Charlotte Is 20, and Shawn is 23, Nathan, Jonathan, and Zack are 25)

I was at the hospital looking at the infant unit, where Charlotte's son and daughter are at. I smile as I saw them, but my heart clench because I can never have kids, but me and Ryder are considering to adopt.

"Cali " Somebody said behind me, I turned around and saw it was David, I gave him a weak smile, he frown and gave me a hug, I cried in his chest

When he found out I couldn't have kids, he told me it was okay, but I wasn't okay because I promise David, I would, but now I can't

"I feel useless, David"I told him, he raised my head and made me look at him

"Why do you say that, Cali?"He asked me, furrowing his eyebrows

"I can't have kids, David."I told him

"That doesn't make you useless, Cali"He told me

"Yes it does, David. I can't have mine and Ryder's own pups " I told him

"Listen to me very good, Cali. It wasn't your fault that it happened it was Wesley, who did that to you. It wasn't your fault, Cali" He told me

"But, I feel like it's still my fault " I told him, tears running down my cheeks

"It isn't okay " He told me, hugging me even tighter

"What's going on here " Ryder asked, angry

I didn't look at him because I look like a mess.

"I'm gay, so you don't have to worry " David told him, he let go, kissed my forehead and left

I hugged myself and looked down, Ryder hugged me and raise my head up when he saw me, his expression went angry to worry.

"What happened, Cali"He asked me, scared

"Why don't you just reject me, Ryder."I told him, looking up at him

"W-why would you say that"He asked me, fully scared and worry

"I can't have our pups, Ryder."I told him, looking down

He raise my head and caressed my cheek

"I know, Cali, but we can adopt or have a surrogate. I know you don't want a Surrogate, but we can always adopt, Cali"He told me

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