Chapter 12

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Ryder jump on Carson. Ryder threw punches at Carson,Carson blocked most of them then Carson punched Ryder in the face. I have to break this up.I walked towards Ryder,I was about to touch his shoulder,but Ryder got up and pushed Carson up the wall,Ryder raised Carson off the floor,Carson tried to take Ryder's hand off of his neck.

"Ryder"I yelled,trying to pull him away

He didn't listen to me

"I don't care if your my brother,but you will NEVER,I mean NEVER check my mate out!"Ryder growl

""Carson told Ryder,losing breath

Ryder raised him higher

"Ryder! Put him down!"I yelled ar him,pulling on him

Ryder looked at me,his eyes turning black

''Put him down,Ryder"I told him

"I don't listen to a female"He growled

Why is he acting like a asshole right now?

"Well you have to. So,put him down"I told him

"I don't listen to a weak female"Ryder told me

'Why is he acting like this' I asked Snow

'I don't know. I tried talking to his wolf,but he didn't answer me' Snow told me

'What's going on with them' I told him

'I'm going to figure out' Snow told me

'You do that,I'll try to make Ryder talk to me' I told her

'Okay' She told me and left

"Ryder" I yelled at him, shaking his shoulder

He didn't listen, Carson's face was turning blue

"Charlotte! Drew! David! Shawn!"I yelled, trying to get Ryder's hand away from Carson's neck

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, I didn't look. I continue to get Ryder off of Carson. I was push out of the way, Drew came in to my view, he tried to get Ryder off of Carson, but Ryder was holding on to him, so David and Shawn helped Drew. They pulled Ryder away from Carson, Carson fell to the floor,holding his neck and coughing like crazy. I ran over to Carson,I sat down by him, I rubbed his back as he continue to cough crazy. I heard a growl, I know it was Ryder, so I didn't look up, I focus on Carson, who stopped coughing and started to breath heavily. Ryder growled even louder, I looked up at him annoyed

"Yes"I told him, annoyed

"Get away from him" He growled

"Not until you tell me why you were being a asshole early" I told him, glaring at me

He didn't say anything

"Answer me, Ryder" I demand

He looked shocked, surprised, and mad

"Don't you EVER use that tone on me " He told me, mad

I got up and walked closer to him, so I was in front of his face

"I'm your mate and your Luna. So, you have to LISTEN to me. If not,they'll be consequences."I told Ryder, staring in to his eyes

It was complete silence, everybody was staring at us, or mostly me. Ryder still didn't answer me

"Do you understand " I told him

No answer

"I said, Do you Understand?!? " I demand

"Yes" He mumble

"Speak louder " I demand

He looked up at me, crazy

"Yes Luna" He told me, gritting his teeth

I look at Drew, David, And Shawn

"Take him outside, so he can cool off and I'll take Carson to the pack clinic " I told them

"Luna" Somebody said behind me, I turned around and saw it was a girl, who looked about to be 16

"Yes"I said

"We can take Carson to the clinic so you can talk to Alpha Ryder, if that's okay with you" She told me

"If it doesn't bother you or the pack members" I told her

"It's not a problem, Luna" She told me, bowing

"Call me Cali" I told them, they nodded

2 males picked up Carson, walked towards the door, where the girl, I don't know her name still, open the door

"What's you-" She cut me off

"Georgia " She told me, I gave her a smile

"Make sure Carson gets to the clinic safe and I'll find you later after I finish talking to my mate " I told her

"Yes Lu- Cali " She told me, correcting herself, I gave her smile and looked at Charlotte

"Tell your parents that Carson is at the clinic and me and Ryder are going to have a talk so they have to take care of the pack" I told her, she nodded

She walked off. I walked to the back door, I walked outside and looked around for Ryder. I walked towards the forest and followed Ryder's scent. I found him, hitting his werewolf head on a tree, Drew, David, and Shawn were trying to hold in their laughter

"Ryder, what the hell are you doing!"I told him, walking closer to him

Ryder looked at me, staring at me. I looked at the boys

"Y'all can leave " I told them, but David was about to argue "Don't worry, David. I'll be okay, if I need you help. I'll scream " I told him

"You better " He told me

"I will. Now go " I told them, shooing them away, they laughed as they ran away from us

I looked at Ryder

"Let's talk " I told him,crossing my arms

Here's a chapter for you before I don't have wifi anymore.

So, today is my last day with WiFi at my casa.  At school, I have wifi, but I can't write my story, that's messed up, but I can read your stories still and I'll vote. Sorry about that guys.

Love Y'all

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