t w e l e v e

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TODAY IT WAS EXTRA HARD to get out of bed. The only reason I am up is because Hayley told me that mom has made pancakes. I love food. Just thought that was necessary to say.

"Lauren is coming tomorrow" Kenzie reminded. "I honestly miss her so much" I frowned. "It felt like forever since we all last hang out" Jayden added.

We reached school. Jayden parked the car. "I have Maths, I need to go" I said "See you in lunch."

In lunch we of course sat with the bad boys. "Lauren is coming tomorrow" Armani brought up "We all are hanging out at Johnny's house you guys should come too." 

"Yeah! It will be really fun, we can watch a movie night e.t.c" Asher added. 

"That sounds interesting, I am down for that" We three agreed.

After a long tiring day, I reached home and laid down on the bean bag.

"Tomorrow Lauren is coming tomorrow!" I notified mom while eating a sandwich Hayley made. Hayley is currently going through a phase where she is really into cooking. She is actually a terrific cook. "Hayley is delicious!" I complimented her as I take another bite.

"I know, I am very talent" She flipped her hair. She is a total badass, I have no idea what will she do when she becomes a teenager.

"I am aware honey, I talked to Lauren's mom" She answered my previous comment. After spending time with them I went to my  room. I took a nap. After a few hours later I started homework. During the homework, I get a call. It's Asher who else would you except.

"Hey princess" Asher greeted.

"Hi, wanted something?" I questioned. "What, no why?" He questioned.

"Why'd you call then" I spoke. "I was just bored" He sighed.

"So you only call me when you are bored?" I say. "What no- you're confusing" He responded, "Anyways what were you doing"

"Homework." I simply stated. "Ah yes, it is always homework" Asher said.

"That's not true, you just happen to ask at the wrong time" I defended. "Someday when you are free I am taking you to do something fun" Asher declared. 

"No way" I disagreed. "Okay how about we go and just eat some ice-cream" He suggested. He knows I love ice-cream. "Ah fine but I am going just for the ice-cream" I said "Now I have to complete my homework, bye" 

"Bye princess, take care." He ended the call.

After finishing my homework, I got a video call. It was Lauren, Kenzie and Jayden. We four talked till midnight when we all assented to sleep.


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