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This question comes up in my inbox all the time. I thought I would answer it for you.

Question: How are you such an amazing and strong person to make people feel good about themselves.


My name is Marissa, I'm 15 years old and I don't think I'm a strong person. I'm a normal teenage girl obsessed with boys just like all of you. I'm in high school and it sucks. I have over 1,000 followers on this app called Wattpad and I like to make my readers/fans happy. Do you know why? I make them feel happy and good about themselves because I don't like myself. I don't like my body, parts of my face, my thighs, my calves, I could go on and on about things that I hate about myself. I hate that I can't sing amazingly, I hate that I'm not the best dancer, even though I've been dancing since I was 2. My feet are a bit messed up from all the years of dancing in tap shoes and ballet shoes. I haven't accepted who I am and that's why I make sure you all do. I want you all to love yourselves because I know how it feels to hate yourself. I've been there, I don't hate myself anymore but I've learned to dislike things I can fix. Yeah it hurts all the crying and clothes trying on, not being perfect, seeing boys hang out with all the skinny girls. I know how it feels and I want you to know if you work for what you want it gets so much easier. Get your mind to love you, trust me one day someone will love you for you, no matter what you look like. You are beautiful. I am beautiful. Say it, "I am beautiful." Because you are, no matter who you are. I know how it feels to be bullied about stupid things like your weight and your smile. I've been there too. Trust me it's gets so much better when you ignore those bitches. ;) I've been to hell and back and trust me it sucks but it always gets better. I promise. Even when it seems like it's not going to it does. It may take months or years, but it WILL GET BETTER!

If you're looking for someone to love you, stop looking, I love you no matter what.

You can do it, believe.

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