Chapter 6: He's Coming

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Chapter 6: He's Coming

Caitlin's POV:

"Hey," I said.

She turns and looks at me with her big eyes.

"Hi Cait," she says.

"What's up?" I ask.

"I'm getting ready to go out to dinner with Niall," she smiles.

I do the opposite.

"What am I supposed to do? This is supposed to be our weekend Lena, I have to keep you safe!" I snap.

"Caitlin calm down! He's my husband, I trust him with my life, we will be fine!" She tells me.

"Fine but if your dad finds you, it's not my fault," I tell her.

She rolls her eyes at me.

"Oh please Caitlin," she snorts.

I roll my eyes at her, how dare she roll her eyes at her stepmother. Yeah that's right, I married her daddy. Now it was our time to get back at her for all the years she left us. I went to my bed in the room we shared and sat down. About an hour later Lena comes out and leaves without saying a word. Perfect. I sit on my bed and stare at the celling.


I glance over at the caller ID, the man I have waited forever to call.

D- Dave (Lena's Dad)

C- Caitlin

C- Hi.

D- Hey.

C- I miss you.

D- I miss you more babe.

C- When can I see you.

D- Now.

C- You know we can't do that.

D- I need to see you now.

C- Fine where are you?

D- 3 floors down, room 32.

C- I'll be right now.

I got up and took the elevator down. I got to his room and knocked. He opened it and smirked at me. I walked in and shut the door, I threw my keys down and started kissing him. My hubby was finally here.


Niall and I went out for a nice dinner, just the 2 of us.

"I miss you so much Leen," he whispered.

"I miss you more Ni, why are you whispering?" I asked.

He looked around and shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't really know why," he laughed.

I laughed along with him.

"So can I ask about Caitlin?" He asked.

"Of course, what's up?" I asked.

"Don't you think it's weird how she like faked her death and then she just shows up out of the blue? I mean do you even know if it's her?" He asked.

"I know it's her, I've known her my whole life. I guess it's kinda weird to just show up, but I mean how else was she supposed to just come back," I told him.

He nodded his head understanding.

"Yeah I guess. I just want you to be careful Lena, people change, sometimes for the worst," he told me.

"I will Ni, I love that you're so protective over me," I smiled at him.

"Well you are my beautiful wife, I am supposed to love you and protect you with all my heart right?" He asked.

I laughed and nodded.

"Well then there you go," he smiled.

I laughed again and grabbed his hand. I smiled at him knowing if anything happened he would make it all better.


I went up to the room tired and scared. I cleaned up quickly before Lena got back. I laid on the bed and watched 'The Vow.' By the time the movie got down Lena wasn't back still. I looked at the clock and saw it was midnight. Where is she?


It's been 2 hours, it now 2 am. Lena still hasn't come back to the room, maybe she's with Niall? As on cue Lena walks through the door.

"Where have you been?" I asked.

"Oh Niall and I went out for ice cream and then we walked around the city," she told me.

"Well geez just call me next time eh? I was worried," I told her.

I really wasn't, I couldn't care less to what happens to her.

She smiled and nodded.

"Well I'm going to sleep," she told me.

"Me too," I agreed.

"Night Cait," she told me.

"Goodnight," I told her.

"I can't wait to see my mum in 2 days!" She told me.

"Yup," I told her.

She fell asleep just like that. If only she knew that her mum would not be the one she will see in 2 days. It's going to be her worst nightmare, her father.

He's coming...

(A/N: Sorry for the slow updates! :) Hope you all are enjoying the book! Please please please,




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Thanks! :)

Love always,

Riss1020 ;)

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