Chapter 5

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A young child was lingering at the doorway. She had surprisingly long blue hair and blue eyes. It seemed like there was something different about one of her eyes, but it was hard to tell what it was from the distance. She looked like a miniature version of Chrom.

Chrom was smiling at his daughter. "Come in, Lucina. There's no need to be shy."

Shyly coming into the room, Lucina stopped next to Chrom. Her gaze went over to Celaena, looking at her curiously. "Father, who is that?"

"This is Celaena. She will be staying with us for awhile."

Celaena kneeled down to Lucina's level. "It's very nice to meet you, Lucina. You're very beautiful."

Lucina shied away. She looked up at Chrom, then to Celaena a couple of times. "Are you my new mother?"

Not expecting that response, Celaena felt her face started to heat up. "N-No! I'm not..!" Even though she is the reincarnation of Lucina's mother. "We can... Be friends!"

Lucina's eyes perked up. "You'll play with me?"

Celaena nodded. "Of course."

Chrom chuckled at the sight. "I apologize that Lucina said something that made you so flustered. She says the most unexpected things sometimes."

"Well... Children do say the most darnest things." Standing back up, Celaena was now at eye level with Chrom.

Chrom seemed pleased with her. "Thank you for considering to play with my daughter. We've only know each other for a short time, but I can tell that you're a very unique person."

"N-Not really!" She had no idea why she was getting so tongue tied.

"I like your modesty, but I'm telling the truth."

Celaena felt herself start to blush. A tiny tug on her cloak made her snap out of it, having her look down at little Lucina. "Ms. Celaena. Can you play with me now?"

Getting lost in her adorableness, Celaena nodded. "Of course we can. And since we're friends, you can just call me Celaena."


"Very well." Frederick stepped in. "I will be supervising you for a while. Will you be alright by yourself, milord?"

Chrom nodded. "There's no need to worry about me. I can take care of myself. I'm going to see how everyone else is doing." He looked over towards Celaena. "If there's anything you need, you can tell Frederick."

"Thank you. I will do that." Celaena responded.

"Good. We can talk again later." With that, Chrom exited the room, leaving the three behind.

Lucina grabbed a hold of Celaena's hand. "We can play in my room. Frederick can follow us while watching us."

Celaena nodded in response. "Of course. That's fine, right Frederick?"

Frederick nodded. "You may."

Celaena found it funny that it felt like Frederick was babysitting both her and Lucina even when he's supposed to keep a close eye on her for safety purposes. As much as she wanted to laugh, she held it in as best as she could.


Later that day, Celaena was sound asleep in her bed. She soon found herself in a familiar dream, recognizing the darkness that surrounded her.

The darkness wasn't scary. It was only a figure of her imagination. Plus, it's where she had met Robin for the first time.

Speaking of Robin, Celaena looked around to see if she was even here. "Hello? Robin? Are you here?"

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