Chapter 2

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The girl walked along the dirt path, her feet leading her to who knows where. It felt like days since she's been walking when it's only been an hour. Her feet were killing her.

Finding a shady spot underneath a tree, the girl made her way over there and sat down. Letting out a tired sigh, she started taking off her black boots that reached to her knees.

Curiously staring at them, she placed them to the side. "I could have sworn I was wearing sandals. I'm still very confused of how I'm wearing this strange cloak..."

The girl didn't want to get up anytime soon. Even though she traveled for a while, there was still no sign of people or a village anywhere. The area seemed safe enough, peaceful even.

Leaning her head against the tree trunk, the girl closed her eyes. She felt herself drifting off, her eyes relieved to get some rest. She was in a comfortable position where she could fall asleep without problem. Before she knew it, the girl entered the world of slumber.


In the girl's dream, she saw a man with blue hair staring at her like she was made of gold. She had no idea who he was, but it seemed like he knew her.

The girl gulped. "Who are you..?"

The man let out a chuckle. "You never seize to amaze me with your jokes."

The girl cocked an eyebrow. "Excuse me what? I'm not joking, I'm being serious here."

"Surely you haven't forgotten your husband."

"My... Husband?!"

"We even have an infant daughter together. Surely you can remember that."

The girl placed her hand on her head. "I'm a mother..? How can I not remember this? A husband... A child... What happened to me that made me forget..?"

"It's because you have been reborn." The girl grunted at the sudden voice change, looking up to see someone else there.

It was a woman with long white hair, wearing the exact same attire as her. The girl looked at her with awe, feeling even more confused than ever. "Who are you..? And why are you..?"

"My name is Robin. We wear the same cloak, because you are the reincarnation of me."

It felt like the world just stopped. She was the reincarnation of this woman. She couldn't process that. This woman had somehow died, and now she was reborn as her. But not exactly her. That's where she was confused about the most.

The girl looked up, seeing Robin looking at her with patient eyes. "So... That man... He was your husband when you were alive?"

Robin nodded, her eyes lowered sadly. "Yes. His name is Chrom, the Exalt of Ylisstol."

"Exalt..? Like... The ruler or something?"

"Correct. Before he got that title, he was the Prince and the Captain of the Shepherds. I was his tactician, his right hand woman."

If the girl thought about it, it made a lot of sense of why they fell in love. "While I don't understand a word you're saying, how am I able to see you and talk to you when you're no longer alive?"

"Since you're the reincarnation of me, part of me rests inside you. I can only talk to you. Although... I do wish at times that I can talk to my family once more."

"What exactly happened to you?" She saw Robin's expression turn gloomy, suddenly feeling bad for asking. "Never mind. You don't have to answer that. But why are you appearing in my dream?"

"I want to ask a favor of you."

"Which is..?"

"Whenever you find Chrom, I want you to take care of him for me in my place. With me no longer being there, I'm sure it must be hard for him. I made a promise to him... That I would meet him again in a better life." Robin stared directly at the girl. "And that's you."

The girl swallowed. "That's really sweet and all, but I can't just waltz into the guy's life, claiming that I'm the reincarnation of you. And for me, I haven't even met the guy so I don't hold any feelings for him."

"I understand that. I wasn't trying to imply that at all. My deepest apologies for wording it like that. My wish is to have you stay by his side... Whether the relationship is casual or professional."

The girl nodded unsurely. "Whenever I find Chrom, I'll grant your wish and be by his side. I doubt he would think anything of me but a weird stranger. But... Sure."

"Thank you for that. You have a very kind heart. It's almost my time to go, so if you need to say anything, please say it now."

There was one question the girl really wanted answered. "Do you know my name? I tried so hard to remember it, but I can't for the life of me."

Robin softly smiled, having the look of deja vu in her eyes. "Sadly, I do not. I've been in your shoes before where I have lost my memories. But don't worry, your name will come to you in time."

Feeling a bit disappointed, the girl closed her eyes. "It sucks but I guess it can't be helped."

Robin was starting to fade away. "We'll see each other again soon. Until we meet again in your dreams." With those last words, Robin vanished into thin air.

It was dark and quiet all around her. Underneath her, the girl saw a white ripple at her feet that was gradually getting bigger. She knew this was a sign to wake up from this strange dream. To find this Chrom guy to respect Robin's wishes.


The girl shot opened her eyes while gasping for air. Her dream made her feel like she was underwater when she really wasn't. Her face was dripping in cold sweat, unable to tell if she was really awake or not.

"I see that you're awake now." A sudden voice called out.

The girl looked up, seeing the familiar man that she just saw in her dreams. Chrom.

He wasn't alone. He was accompanied by two other people who she was not familiar with.

Chrom reached out his hand towards her, waiting for her to take it. "There are better places to sleep than on the ground, you know. Give me your hand."

Feeling somewhat shy, the girl hesitantly extended her hand, meeting her hand with his. To her surprise, she felt a spark. Chrom tightly grabbed her hand, helping her up to her feet.

The girl stared at the three blankly. They were staring at her curiously, understanding why since she was wearing the same thing as Robin. She knew at this moment... She would have to try her best to explain herself.

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