"No, I won't believe you. You're lying to me." I looked away from Lord Victor's intense gaze, fearing that he would see any hints of doubt in mine.

"Indigo, I'll tell you the truth. Everything that Katherine told you about her journey to meet up with you is a lie. Aaron trusts her so much, so he believed everything to be real, that they really did go through those life-or-death situations together. But Katherine is a great actor, Indigo. She fooled him, just as she has fooled you. She was lying to Aaron to protect him, but she's lying to you to kill you.

"You saw the cliff where they supposedly jumped off, right? How can anyone possibly survive such a fall? Why would there be someone living at the bottom? Do you think it's possible for me to not know of people living in such close proximity to my stronghold?" Lord Victor reached out and touched my hand. I pulled away and looked up at him in alarm. "Poor Aaron had his memories changed, Indigo. I did the spells myself. He thinks all those things happened but it really was just Katherine and my men acting. He blindly follows Katherine and believes everything she tells him. You were almost killed, were you not? Who tried to assassinate you?"

"That was a mistake, they didn't know—" I protested. Lord Victor cut me off.

"Aaron didn't know, but Katherine sure did. She told Aaron to kill you without telling him it was you. What do you think happens if you were dead? She'd have Aaron all to herself. Wake up, Indigo. You're living a lie."

I shook my head, not wanting to listen anymore. But Lord Victor's voice reached my ears anyway. "How comes Katherine shows up right when you have an invasion ready? Not sooner, not later, but right when you are poised to enter the Northern Mountains? How did she find you now, but not sooner? You need to think about all of this, Indigo." Lord Victor stood up, towering above me. "You're a mastermind, so use that brain of yours and think."

"Why did you tell me all of this? What do you stand to gain from me if Katherine is already working with you?" I asked. Lord Victor smiled.

"Just as Ashley betrayed me, Katherine could too. After all, she only pledged her loyalty to me for Aaron's sake. But you, Indigo, you don't have an Aaron who's on the verge of death to worry about. Your Aaron is safe for the time being. So I extend the offer to you—work with me to end this once and for all, and you can have whomever you love forever."

He walked towards the door and paused before exiting to look over his shoulder at me. "Think about it, Indigo. Think carefully."

As the click, click of his boots faded, the door rumbled shut, locking me in with my thoughts. I sat against the hard stone wall, trying to comprehend everything. Katherine, working with Lord Victor? I find that so hard to believe, but Ashley did set a precedent. Could it be possible—?

I buried my face in my knees, feeling the headache return. Lord Victor had planted a seed of doubt in my mind, and that seed was sprouting no matter how hard I tried to kill it. Katherine didn't show any antagonism towards me for stabbing and nearly killing her in the Desederium Forest, which, now that I thought about it, was weird. If someone nearly killed me, I would never forgive them. Considering all the hateful words I said to Katherine, how can she still view me the same? Does she not hate me, not even a little?

I thought back to the cliff edge where Katherine and Aaron supposedly jumped off. We had peered down; it was so misty, and we could barely make out the tips of pine trees. It would be a long fall, and no one, not even kids with magic, can survive such a fall. They would die upon impact, their head shattered and organs punctured. Katherine has her own healing magic, but I doubt it would make much difference. So what Lord Victor says makes sense—maybe it never really happened, but Aaron thinks it did.

And it's true that Aaron threw the knife at Lionel's camp, the one aimed for me. He didn't know it was me, of course, but Katherine could've known. Aaron wholeheartedly believed that Lionel was working for Lord Victor. He was so protective of Katherine that he pulled out his sword to prevent me from getting close to her. Could it all be a part of Katherine's plan?

No. I can't believe Lord Victor. I shook my head. This is Lord Victor we're talking about, the most fearsome and cunning being in all of Crystallea. He's probably feeding me lies. I need to trust my friends, and that includes Katherine.

I thought about Katherine and all the times she fought with us, often at the front of the battle. The fire in her eyes, the determination, the way her sword brought the breath of death to Evils...she's the last person I would guess to ally herself with Lord Victor. Katherine has the heart of a true warrior, and my gut told me that she would rather die fighting than to live cowardly. Isn't that why she and Aaron jumped off the cliff when they had nowhere to turn? I needed to stop getting jealous of her relationship with Aaron, and even if—if—she did indeed have feelings for Aaron, she would stand by his side in this quest against Lord Victor. I need to let it go. It clouded my mind once, and I won't let it consume me again.

The gears in my brain churned. A daring idea was taking shape, and although I didn't know if I was up for it, it was the best way to aid Lionel and the others. If I can't escape, then I'll try to help them from within.

Lord Victor returned the next day, still wearing all black but with the hood pushed back. "Well, Indigo? Have you considered my offer?"

I hesitated. Sensing my wavering resolve, Lord Victor prompted me gently. "Did you think about everything I told you yesterday? All the small details you failed to notice? Indigo, you have to face the truth. You need to start thinking for yourself. You're the mastermind; don't let others control your thoughts."

Slowly, I raised my gaze to his. His green eyes shimmered with promise of a better future. I tried to speak, but paused, unsure. Lord Victor coaxed me with his eyes.

"I..." I shifted on my feet, clearly uncomfortable.

"It's okay, Indigo. Just tell me, what is your decision?" He seemed to already know my answer, but wanted to hear me say it nonetheless.

"I'll work with you. I accept your offer." The words felt wrong as I said them, but there was no turning back. Lord Victor drew back with a grin.

"Wonderful! Indigo, you have made an excellent choice." He chuckled, and I gave him a small smile in return. "So tell me, do you have any requests, any conditions, for your allegiance to me?"

"Don't hurt any of my friends," I said. "I may be working with you now, but I don't want to see them hurt."

"That's a tough wish to fulfill, Indigo," Lord Victor frowned. "We're going to clash with the Rosewood Seven whether you like it or not."

"Then...don't hurt Aaron. You can do that, right? Spare Aaron in the final battle." I clasped my hands and looked at Lord Victor with pleading eyes. He laughed.

"That, I can do. Don't worry, Indigo, I will see that no harm comes to your beloved Aaron." He patted me on the shoulder. "You will finally have him all to yourself after all this is over. Exciting, right?"

I nodded. "Thank you. I'll keep my end of the bargain as long as you keep yours."

Lord Victor smiled, but I detected a trace of danger in his smile. "Of course. I am a man of honor, Indigo. And just to show you my sincerity, I'll spare the new boy too. What's his name? The commander of the army?"

"Lionel?" I breathed.

"Yes, him. Lionel. I'll spare both Aaron and Lionel, so you can have two wonderful boys in the end." Lord Victor looked very pleased with himself. "Follow me, Indigo, I'll show you to your new room. I think you'll like the heater and velvet bed a lot after being in this cold stone room for so long." He strode out of the room, his black cloak trailing on the floor.

I followed him obediently, silently ignoring the fully-armed guards that fell into step around me. Lord Victor hummed to himself, seemingly in a very good mood. The corners of my lips turned up in a small smile.

Two can play this game, Lord Victor. After all, I am the mastermind.

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