I was stunned into silence. How is Lord Victor so...young? He couldn't be more than a few years older than me. His emerald green eyes that burned with genuine promise were shadowed by smooth arched eyebrows. Long sweeping lashes fluttered with every blink. Raven black hair was brushed back and gelled, but still stood in short spikes. His ruby lips stood out from his fair skin, plump and full. The sharp jawline, the high cheekbones...this young man was the epitome of handsome.

Lord Victor laughed softly at my expression, his eyes crinkling. "Surprised, aren't you? Everyone is, when they first see me. They expect some old man, with a scar across half the face or distorted features. But I'm quite young and quite handsome, right Indigo?"

"..." I felt like this was some sort of trap, to make me let my guard down. But I couldn't look away from Lord Victor's captivating gaze.

"Do you remember my offer to you, Indigo?" Lord Victor asked softly. His large eyes shimmered with innocence. "I sent you a message in a dream."

"A dream?" I thought back. "When?"

"After Katherine was captured, my dear. Think harder." Lord Victor peered at me.

My eyes widened. I did remember. It was the night Jason died and I encountered Ashley talking to Lord Victor. What had he said to me? "Those who join me in my cause shall be rewarded. Think about my offer to you, Indigo."

Lord Victor looked at me expectantly. "Well, what do you say, Indigo? Will you take up on my offer?"

"No! Of course not!" I glared at him, repulsed. "You killed two of our closest friends. You've been trying to kill us since day one of this quest. If you actually think I would join you, then you're an idiot!"

Anger flared up in Lord Victor's eyes, but they were quick to extinguish. "That's what Ashley said to me, and also what Katherine said. But then what happened? They ended up working with me anyway."

"No, they didn't. Ashley foiled your plans to kill us, and Katherine never worked with you. We're not that easy to tempt!" I said defensively.

Lord Victor laughed. "How could they have made such a stupid child like you the mastermind? Ashley did betray me, I'll give you that. But did you and your friends escape my grasp? No, Indigo. I knew you lot were alive; I watched as you made your way to the Northern Mountains. You've only gotten this far because I allowed you to. I could've killed all of you in your sleep, but I decided it was more fun to watch you struggle. Indigo, you should know that nothing, nothing, escapes my eyes."

He looked at my astonished expression, and continued. "You befriended a new boy, haven't you? Oh, that poor guy. You're quite the player, Indigo. Utilizing his resources to your advantage and using his feelings for you to get him to do your bidding when you're going to discard him in the end anyway. You know you're going to run back to that sweet Aaron boy, and yet you're toying with him nonetheless."

"I am nothing of that sort! I thought Aaron was dead for months!" I wanted to punch Lord Victor in the face.

"He would be, if I hadn't saved him." Lord Victor snorted. "I don't even get a thank-you for that."

"You saved Aaron?" I was incredulous. "Why would you save an enemy?"

"Oh, Indigo, you're so dumb." Lord Victor scooted closer. "I told you, Katherine is working with me. In exchange for her allegiance, I saved Aaron's life. You're not the only one who likes him, you know."

"That's not true! Katherine would never work with you!" I refused to believe such outrageous lies. Lord Victor arched an eyebrow.

"Indigo, you were willing to kill Katherine because she stole Aaron away from you. Who's to say that she won't do the same? Could she really have forgiven you after you stabbed her? Indigo, you're too naïve. You're walking right into her trap and you don't even know it."

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