04 The Will-Takers

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The fighting was definitely not the hard part. Beating up the people who took away Will from Nico deserved all the kicks in the world.

Unfortunately, before he could give the Will-Takers a good hearty stab, they started screaming for peace.

"STOP IT NOW, DIDN'T YOU HEAR US? WE COME IN PEACE" a fat bearded dude screamed in a deep voice.

"Okay. Explain yourselves," Chiron said, as calmly as anyone can pretend to be after losing half of their kids in 5 minutes.

"It's complicated."

"We've got all day."

Another guy started, "Alright, so there are these six stones that control everything in the universe and if used properly, they can together kill half of the population of the whole universe at the snap of a finger. So this purple guy-"

"Purple guy? Like a monster?" Kayla, Will's half-sister asked.

"Monster huh?" He said, "This isn't a fairy tale kid"

"I wish monsters were a fairy tale," Percy grumbled.

The guy continued, ignoring Percy, "So the purple guy wanted half the universe to get destroyed, he succeeded,"

"So some of your friends must be dead too, right? You don't look very devastated," Nico said.

"Ya well, we are over the shock, for us, the snap happened five years ago."

"What do you mean for you?"

The guy smiled, "That's because we come from the future. We come from the year 2023."

"It's 2023 for us too though," Austin said.

The Will-takers stared at him and there was a long awkward pause.

"But that can't be, us coming here from the future is the only explanation that makes sense!"

"Forget all of that, first of all, what are you all doing here anyway?"

"We were trying to get our friends back by using the Quantum Realm."

That sentence seemed to send a new wave of hope through the crowd.

"The what?" said someone from behind.

"Long story, all you gotta know is that we time-traveled here and somehow landed in the same time-period we came from. Also, we kinda lost the space stone and destroyed the reality stone."

"You lost the space stone Tony," said a red-headed girl.

"Yeah but Steve contributed."

"Nope, the only thing that contributed was your ego."

"I'm sorry, what did you call the stones?" Connor said.

"Wouldn't losing such an important stone change stuff?"

"What do you mean you time traveled?"

"So it's your fault that we lost so many of our heroes?"

Hundreds of questions were asked all at once, and confusion was in the air.

"Okay just SHUT UP," the bearded guy shouted, making everything quiet, "Let's talk about all this over tea.


All of them sat down around the campfire and made themselves comfortable. The campers looked pale and were all whispering amongst themselves as if they just realized something. 

Natasha still didn't approve of any of this. It didn't feel right at all. Everything inside her told her to run from them, or attack them, or do anything except for talking and laughing with them.

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