10. Allowances

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Tony knew he was good at sex and that wasn't just ego talking. He knew, because he had made sure to learn how to be good at sex. Asgardians or Aesir, as Loki had not so patiently explained to him, seemed to be put together pretty much like humans. Bigger, stronger, denser and with incredible longevity, but anatomically almost the same, so Tony had hopes he knew exactly what he was doing.

After a couple more slow thrusts he started to feel Loki relaxing into the whole thing more and so he changed his angle. A very appreciative moan was his reward.

"There," Loki said, tone just oozing sex, "again."

"Your wish is my command," Tony replied, perfectly happy to play to a toppy bottom if that's how Loki wanted it.

It was good, in fact it was more than good as far as Tony was concerned and the noises coming from Loki suggested it was a-okay for him as well. However, as much as Tony was enjoying the view of pert ass and smooth, wide shouldered back as he moved in and out of Loki's perfect body, he wanted more. Loki was a very guarded individual and Tony wanted to savour every opportunity to see that guard come down.

Waiting until he was sure he had Loki well in the zone, he pulled out. It was probably unfair, but he liked to play his advantages.

"Why did you stop?" Loki asked and there was just the slightest touch of a whine in the demi-god's tone.

"Because I want to see your face," he replied, giving Loki's ass a good squeeze. "If you would be kind enough to turn over, I'll be more than happy to continue."

For a second Loki hesitated, but then did as he was asked. It took a little rearranging, but shortly Loki was spread on the bed with him between those long, lean legs. Loki looked slightly less sure about being on his back for a definition of unsure that was a vague tightness around his eyes, but Tony could see the signs. There was something decidedly more intimate about face to face, so Tony got the issue, but he wanted to see Loki come apart.

"Still okay?" he asked, just to make sure; he had no intention of being an asshole if this made Loki too uncomfortable.

A nod came back.

"Thank god," he said, "because you're irresistible and I might have had to go throw myself off the balcony if you'd said no."

All that pale flesh just begging to be touched had his complete concentration.

"That would have been most regrettable," Loki replied; "I would have missed your constant prattle."

"Oh really, is that all?" Tony said and took that for the challenge it was.

In short order he lifted Loki's legs and pushed back in. Loki almost managed to totally muffle his response, but there was a gratifying instant of sound.

"I think," Pepper entered the conversation and Tony realised she had moved from her position at the edge of the bed, "you two are trying to make this a competition."

She ran a hand down over Loki's chest, dallying around his midriff and dancing her fingers a little lower.

"But," she added, "it should be about enjoyment."

Tony suspected what she was about to do, but that didn't stop him making a rather inarticulate sound as Loki tightened around him when Pepper reached out and wrapped her fingers around Loki's cock. It made an interesting chorus with the noise Loki made at the same time.

"Now," she said, just running her thumb over the head of Loki's cock, but which in turn make Loki's insides twitch and caused yet more pressure on Tony's dick, "which of you is going to come first?"

The Loco of Loki (MCU Fanfiction, Loki/Tony/Pepper)Where stories live. Discover now