8. Fixes

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"JARVIS, start the shower," Tony said and enjoyed the view as he let his gaze roam over both Pepper and Loki to his heart's content.

"Yes, Sir," JARVIS replied and the shower came on, steaming in only seconds.

"JARVIS is watching us?" Loki asked. "I thought there was a privacy protocol."

"There is," Tony replied, "but JARVIS always watches me unless I tell him not to. I can if you want, but I wouldn't mind having a record of this."

He was well aware some people did not like the idea of recordings of their sex lives, but no one had ever accused Tony of lacking in narcissistic tendencies. In reality he didn't keep many of the recordings, but there were a couple he had stashed deep in JARVIS' mainframe. Both were him and Pepper; he had junked all the older ones after he had devoted himself to monogamy.

"You wish to be able to replay whatever happens here?" Loki asked showing no shock, simply curiosity.

"Yeah," he replied; "any objections?"

"No," Loki replied and appeared, at least to Tony, just a little pleased.

He scored one for a fellow narcissist and held out a hand to Pepper.

"Clean and then blood?" Tony asked.

"That would seem advisable," Loki agreed.

"Don't worry about a thing," Pepper said as Tony opened the shower door and allowed Loki to step inside; "we don't want you over taxing yourself."

"I am perfectly capable ..."

Tony silenced Loki by putting a finger on the demi-god's lips.

"Of course, you are," he said, "but please, let us play."

One thing that had been very clear from the mind meld was that Loki had a serious inferiority complex and was very touchy when it came to being perceived as weak.

"I meant no disrespect," Pepper said, deftly closing the door and enclosing them in warm heat, "I'm just used to coaxing Tony into these things."

"My apologies," Loki said quietly, clearly off balance.

Pepper smiled and then leaned in to Loki, pausing momentarily to ask permission and then leaning in the rest of the way to give Loki a kiss as the demi-god swayed towards her. It wasn't a very long kiss, but there was something about it that had a great deal of Tony's blood heading south. He knew Pepper and Loki still reacted to each other on a very base level and now they weren't attempting to control it, it was incredibly evocative.

"Wow," he said, "do I get one of those?" because of course his mouth was never out of action unless it was occupied.

As expected, Pepper was only too happy to oblige, as was Loki, apparently and Tony felt quite breathless as first one, then the other did far more than peck him on the cheek. He might possibly have been grinning like a loon when both of them had pulled back.

"Clean," Pepper said before he could open his mouth again; "before we get sidetracked."

When Pepper used that tone, Tony didn't argue and reached round for the sponge and the wash cloth sitting on the shower rack, as well at the very expensive shower wash Pepper insisted on for every bathroom. He passed the sponge to Pepper and kept the wash cloth for himself, emptying a good measure of the gel onto it. Loki watched all this with casual disinterest, although Tony couldn't help noticing that Loki's cock was definitely taking notice. Tony had no doubt Loki had been telling the truth when the demi-god said he was totally male, because that was one impressive dick.

The Loco of Loki (MCU Fanfiction, Loki/Tony/Pepper)Where stories live. Discover now