Part 5-No Doubt in My Mind

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When Lance left Daisi notice something bothered Duke.

"What's wrong Duke."

"I have to help with the cooking for the end of Fall semester dance."

"I can help out if you like."

Duke took her chin in his hand and smiled.

"I had a feeling you would say that."

One thing that made him adore Daisi was that she was a thoughtful girl. The type that his family would be pleased to be around. 

Even though their meeting at the library didn't work out, he still wanted to have a good time with her tonight.

He had a brilliant idea at that precise moment.

"Why don't we play a game."

Daisi smirked.

"Such as?"

"Well, let's go to your shelf and find out."

He went over to her side of the dorm and found she had a Twister game.

"Perfect! We'll play Twister."

"I haven't played that in years."

"Well, today's your lucky night.

Duke smirked as he contemplated the outcome.

They laid out the mat and the spinning wheel.  

While they were playing he decided to play 'No Diggity' from her CD collection. 

Duke smiled as he listened to the words, he found that girl who could 'work it'. 

Each position started out simple as anybody whose played Twister knows. It was only after seven minutes did things turned up.

Daisi and Duke got more close to each other as they switch colour circle. 

As their hands touched briefly they both felt the same electricity pass as when they met.

She was under him while he hovered above. Once Daisi switched her position and then was above Duke. As they locked eyes on each other they slowly started to move his lips closer.

"OOPS!" Daisi lost her grip and fell on top of him.

"I win." Duke said while smiling.

Daisi laughed as Duke helped her up.

"That was fun." She smiled.

"It sure was." He smiled back.

He also was smiling widely inside. He knew from the start of the game and the look in her eyes that she was interested in him. 

"Say why don't we do a yoga meditation before bed?"

"I'd love that."

Duke went and put on a yoga CD and they began their meditation.

Duke sat facing Daisi on the bedroom floor. When her eyes  were closed he opened one eye and admired her.

He quickly took hold of her hand which caught her off guard.

Once he let it go she opened her eyes and trailed her hand up to his arm.

He pulled her close to his chest and gazed at her.

Duke saw the desire in those eyes which couldn't be concealed.

His lips were just inches away from hers until they heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Daisi asked.


Duke groaned loudly which made Daisi giggled.

"Well I better be off. Sorry again about the library."

"It's fine Duke. Thanks again for hanging out with me tonight."

As Cherlynn walked in Duke gave her a half smile but a genuine one back at Daisi.

He had no doubt in his mind that Daisi wanted him as he wanted her.

Duke knew right away what was going to make them have that big night together.

That big night where their love and passion would explode.

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