Part 3-All the Things Your Man Won't Do

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Nothing was gonna stop Duke from having Daisi. He knew she was "the ONE".  

He learned who her date was thanks to Hector's Math course classmate list.

David was the date's name and found what Hector's told him, he wasn't punctual and was a jerk half of the time.

Duke knew right away that this was a warning sign. As he was heading to the library he saw Daisi come out from the gym.

"Hey Duke!"

Duke was stunned seeing her in a tennis uniform. "Hi... Daisi." He really was in awe of her.

He remembered the persistent problem interfering with them.

"So... Your date is name David?"

"Yes. How did you know?"

He chuckled. "A birdie told me."

"Yes, I'm going out with him, but something's telling me it may not turn out well."

Duke's plan was now ready and set.

"Say, why don't I meet him before you guys go on your date?"

"You'll do that?"

"Yeah. Just tell me where your dorm room is and I'll meet him there and talk to him."

"Okay. Thank Duke." She hugged him and Duke felt like he had gone to Heaven.

Duke quickly came back to reality.

"Do you have a spare key to your dorm?"

"Yes, here it is."

Duke smiled brightly to himself as he held the key.

"Thanks Daisi. Don't worry about it. I'll handle the situation."

"Thank Duke!"

Duke smiled his same mischievous smile as he went to telephone Hector from down the hall.

"Hector, I need you to get me at least two boxes of a dozen beer cans."

"Why two?"

"I'll explain another time."

Duke's plan was perfect. He was going to got David drunk so badly that for sure Daisi wouldn't give him a chance, not even for a second.

That evening...

"Hi! David?"


Duke met David at the cafeteria and introduced himself.

"Say, is it true you're going on a date with Daisi?"

"Yeah. You know her?"

"Yes. I do actually."

When Duke saw Cherlynn and Daisi were heading to the cafeteria he quickly got up and escorted David outside the back field. 

"You know your jacket could use some dusting off. Why don't we go back to my dorm."

"Sure. Thanks man!"

Duke and David went back to the campus and they headed upstairs. He invited him into Daisi's dorm. Duke smirked at how easily he fooled David. 

Once inside Duke dropped a table of the dozen beer cans and started to over them to David.

As David began to feel intoxicated he suddenly remembered something.

"Say, weren't you gonna help dust off my jacket?"

"Yeah... Oh, I think you missed one." He handed him another can of beer.

Rules of Winning a Freshman's Heart, TheNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ