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When I was younger my dad once told me "when life hands you lemon go make some lemonade" I never get to know how, because he died that very day. Since then my life has been flipped upside down. My grades went downhill, pushed all my friends away, got into some trouble almost got kicked out. I never had someone to talk to. It didn't help that My mom remarried a year after. She asked me if its ok and of course I said yes. I want her to be happy. Antonio, he's nice, smart very smart he worked as a doctor in a local hospital here in Cuba. I don't have any complain about him he basically helped me in catching up in school so I owe him a lot. My brother was born 2 years after. I never felt so left out my whole life. Don't get me wrong I love my brother but then I still feel left out.

Now that I'm an adult I want to go and live by myself. Tomorrow, I have a job interview in a small company here in Cuba hopefully I get accepted.

The Next Day

I can hear my alarm screaming. I forced my body to get up I'm half awake. I know that I will regret staying up until 3 watching my favorite telenovela on marathon. Good thing I put up my alarm at least I won't be late. So I got up and throw myself in the shower. Not really paying much attention of the time since I'm pretty sure that Its still early. I then brush my teeth and then fix myself. 6:10 yup its still early I still have time to spare.

"Maria Camila!!!
¡Despierte su primera entrevista de trabajo a las 9:00 en punto! "

Wake up your going to miss your first job interview at 9:00 o'clock!)

That's my mom she's the best. I love her with all that I am but sometimes she can be a real pain in the ass.

"Coming Mom no need to shout! its still early!!!"

" .... is 8:15 early to you??!! Youll never get there on time! No llores conmigo si no conseguiste el trabajo debido a tu tardanza"
(Dont cry on me if you didn't get the job because of your tardiness)
what? Pffttt 8:15 its only 6:15-- wait..... NO!

As I was sprinting towards the living area I saw the clock .... 8:18?!! Oh no I'm late!!

I can hear the devil from the dinning area laughing hesterically.... I knew it!! Im literally going to kill him!!



I sprinting to the bus stop. Luckily I arrived just in time I don't have to wait any longer I got in.

I should have known he would do that. I know he's just 9 but he is too smart for his age. My brother begged me to not leave but I insisted so he must've made a way for me to not get on time, that way I won't get the job and leave. I must say that was a clever. But I'm still leaving no matter what, I want to live by myself & be independent.

I got out of the bus. And run my way to the company. As I got in I asked the lady in the front desk.

"...uhm Im here for the interview." I said as I fix myself.

"Go take the elevator and press 3rd floor you'll see the lane. Go hurry before they cut out" the lady was nice she smiled at me and I thank her then I proceed to the elevator. Before I got in I stumble upon a guy and spill his coffee all over him.

" oh.. Im so... so sorry sir" I tried to help him but he pushed my hands away and glared at me.

"YOU! how dare you do this to me! Do you know who I am?!!" He said

I gulped scare to death I replied "no sir.. but.."

" STOP! i dont care! who are you any way?! Why are you here in my company did you know that own this company!!" He asked

I was so embarrassed that I can't even feel my legs. My tears just fell without my approval I didn't even notice they were there. I just wipe them away and say

"no one..absolutely no one ... am so sorry I ruin your day." Then I run with all the strength that have. Saving myself from the adding more embarrassment.

Could this day get any better? I told myself

I was crying while walking not caring what people say. They're judgement won't make me feel any better anyway.

I stopped at a dinner. Completely forgotten that I haven't eaten breakfast and my stomach keeps complaining.

I sat in the front and ordered some eggs and bacon and a cup of hot choco. At least it was the best thing that have happen today.


"...oh sweetie are you ok?" The woman in the counter asked

".. yeah I just had the worst day ever.." i said

" wanna talk about it?..." i don't know what pushed me but usually i ignore this type of conversation.

" i didn't got in my job interview. *smirked sarcastically* didn't even get the chance to be interviewed.... I'm just a failure in everything I do... I just hate my life." Right there again. I cried.

"Oh sweetie you can work here. I'm actually looking for an extra hand" she said trying to comfort me.

".. thanks but I dont--"

"Shh...Its fine you don't have to say yes" she chuckles "..but if you need a someone to talk to I'm here honey. You look like you have a lot of things in mind I can be your friend.... now hurry up and eat your food before its cold" i don't know what got to me but I feel comfortable with her. For the first time I feel like someone understands me.

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