Let Me Save You

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Oftentimes in our lives, the urge to save other people from their miseries gushes through our beings. We wanted to end their sufferings; we wanted to make them feel happy once more.

We, as human beings with feelings, try to as much as possible care and show that we are concern to those who need our time, who need us-- not in a way that we wear a mask for personal reasons.

But the tendency is, the more we try to save them, the more we drown deeper into our ocean of adversities.

It is but a chance to make other people feel that they are not alone; that we, too, understand the weight of the burden they're carrying on their backs.

But who do you think will save us

from our dilemmas?

Who do you think will say, "I'll be here to save you. I'll be here to protect you. I'll be here to tell you it's okay to inhale in the ocean of chances and exhale in the vast meadow of grief"?


I'm sure,

God will.

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