Because of a Candy

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I was as excited as a child first eats an ice cream,
Like how a kid really wanted to join a football team
That excitement in his eyes when he first received his trophy
Or how he is delighted when he arrived at school early.

But mine was when I want to give you something
It was so special; it was not just anything
My heart even skipped a beat when I gave it to you
I didn't say anything, but my feelings were true.

"I love you" it was written on a candy wrapper
My 12-year-old self expected something after
But you didn't like it, and it was my first heartbreak
Yes, you broke my heart even though you didn't speak.

The fact that you gave it to her was more heartbreaking
The girl whom I shared with everything,
The girl I always defend,
Yes, the girl was my childhood friend.

I was hurt; my heart did break and shatter
I loved him--it was all that mattered
But I knew I was too young to be broken
Yet too old for the reality of being not outspoken.

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