.:Breaking It Off:.

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry Hina.. I never meant to do that to you.."

"Yeah me neither.. sorry.." Sakura followed.

Finally something they could both agree on now.

"I-it's not me you should be apologizing to." That's when I actually started to cry. "You guys should be apologizing e-each other.. and live a long.. happy life together, and maybe.. one day I'll find a guy of my own, and we can go on double dates and stuff.." I tried catching my breath underneath sniffles before I finally added: "Sounds fun.. right?"

When Naruto and Sakura looked back at each other, ..when everything was going to be fine again, and they're happy again, .. a boy. Just had to cut in.

"Yeah buddy, can't you see you're making two girls upset here? She's angry and she's crying dude, figure this shit out, the drivers about to come back." He aggressively suggested.

"What'd you say to me? 'Buddy' ?" Naruto intimidated back.

"Hey, that enough you guys.. Just leave Naruto alone." I cut in, once again.

"Why are taking his side anyways? Shouldn't you be on your best friends side??"

I stayed quite.

"Ohh.. I see what going on here.." He said. "Haha! No way! Dude check this out- She.. likes him!" He told his friend.

"W-What?! N-no!"

"Hinata is this true??" Sakura asked me, on the verge of tears.

I began to stutter, not even making full sentences. I started shaking with fear and sadness, and I started rambling negative thoughts and comments without even thinking about what I was going to say.

"..of course not- ..Why would I ever like him anyways..? I've never even been able to see how you ended up having any interest in him in the first place! I-i mean, he's been my boy best friend for years! But I'll never date him!..a-and you know that necklace he 'bought' you 'himself' for your anniversary gift from him?" I started to cry again. "That was my idea! Not his, mine! You know why, because your boyfriend wasn't even sure what to get you! He suggested a headband, and we've never even seen you wear one if this even one!" I sobbed.

I regretted what I said immediately. I didn't really mean it I was just trying to get Naruto to not think that I like him.. instead I just made things worse.

"Is that how you really feel about me..?" Naruto's voice cracked.

I was taken back from the surprised and sad look on his face. What topped it all off was the crack in his voice which filled me with guilt and culpability.

"Hina.. you could've just said no.." Sakura turned at me.

"I-I'm.." i started to stutter again. Tears still running down my face, faster then a water fall. I took a step back. "I'm sorry..!" I grabbed my bag from the floor next to me, and pushed everyone out of my way to get out the bus.. including Naruto.

As if I haven't done enough damage already..

I started to run my way home, still sobbing. I wiped my eyes with the sleeve of my jacket, and tripped. I grabbed onto a stop sign at the end of the corner of the side walk before I fell.

I stood there for a few seconds, just hanging on to the stop sign, still crying, and trying to catch my breath. I turned around and gasped when I heard Naruto's voice call after me.

"Hinata!" He shouted.

"Go away Naruto!"

I took a left turn and started running again, still taking the way back home. As I ran I felt the wind go through my hair and felt my bangs fly towards the sides of my face. I made it to the other end of the side walk and saw that Naruto was still trying to catch up to me.

I frantically started pressing the yellow button and trying to catch my breath when he got incredibly close to catching up to me, so I sprinted across the street that was still available to walk across.

Naruto slowed down when he saw that he couldn't cross anymore. I was dumb enough to believe that he wouldn't just cross over since it's always such a quiet street and absolutely no cars come through there. Not even students walk this way.

Even still, I kept on running and eventually I slowed down and started walking. I didn't hear anymore footsteps behind me, all I heard was my heart beating and I was to scared to even turn around to check.. but I guess I should've.

It took absolutely no effort for Naruto to grab me firmly by the arms.

"Naruto! Let go of me!" I struggled.

"Hinata, shut up and look at me!.. what's the matter with you? Why're you still crying?"

I stopped moving to look at him. He was extremely close to me. I could feel my face turning red and I looked away. "I just.. I can't tell you! I don't know how to!" And for the millionth time this day, I started crying once more.

"Tell me what?" He put his hands on my cheeks, and gently tilted my face up and used his thumbs to brush off the tears from my face. "Hina.. you can tell me anything. You're my best friend, and nothing will ever change that..!"

I felt a python of fear wrap around my stomach, my heart was still beating fast, and my head was hurting. Yet I couldn't help but wonder. 'How does he not notice my feelings by now?'

I gulped and sighed. "Have you ever had feelings for someone.. but gave them up so somebody else could be happy..?"

I grabbed his hands with mine, and pulled them of my face, and looked down at the floor below me.

"Yes, actually. I know that feeling all too well."

I shot my head up from his answer. "Y-you do?"

He gave me a smile, but he didn't look to happy. "Yeah."

"..I'm sorry.. I.. I know the feeling too.."

My emotions were all over the place. I didn't know how to feel. I was stuck in thought that Ino was actually right.. then my attention caught on to Naruto.

His face was close to mine, his gaze meeting mine, and he gently brought one hand up to my cheek and said, "I know you do."

He leaned his head down, and instead of running away again or pushing him, I stood there my eyes closed, letting him give me the kiss I never thought I'd feel.

My Best Friends Boyfriend {A NaruHina Story}Where stories live. Discover now