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The next day I woke up to a beautiful rainy Saturday. My sister was still at her sleep over so I was alone all day with my books and Netflix films. 'Peace and quiet' I thought to myself.

~6:39 a.m~

I smashed my face onto my pillow, and felt like crying. I felt so stupid. How could I have just speak like that to Naruto? "Just drop it".  It just sounds so harsh.. but what he said to me, it just brought back memories. And some that I was hoping I'd forget.

"How come you don't have a boyfriend?" His voice was stuck in my head, that sentence rang repeatedly in my ears. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "You idiot.." I mumbled. "I don't want to remember so don't remind me.."

-I was 10 years old when it happened. My mother was still alive and my father was still healthy at the time. They left me at a summer camp for 3 weeks. Where I met Sakura, and Naruto..-



Naruto's mom and my mom were best friends- even before we were born. Naruto was born October 16 and I was born December 27. We grew up together, so naturally we became best friends. We even went to the same schools together. When ever my parents would go to his house to hang out, they would take me with them, but when we leave, Naruto would always pat me on the head and said bye to me. My parents always thought it was cute.

The day everyone is either terrified of or exited for. The first day of Middle School. I was especially nervous and Naruto was neutral. I decided to be grateful, because most kids didn't have a friend to walk into school with. At least for the first day.

But a part of me was also exited. My first day of being a middle schooler, a good way to make a first expression, and meet new people and make more friends. That's always been my number one goal: be more social. Ive always wanted to be more social. But I guess being shy was in my blood.

I picked out a white shirt, a gray knitted cardigan, navy blue jeans, and some uggs. Once I had said goodbye to my dad, I headed to the bus stop. Hanabi was still little so she still rode in the car with my dad.

When I made it to the bus stop I was greeted by Naruto, already waiting. He was wearing a white shirt, some gray sweatpants and some vans, with a sweater hung around the strap of his backpack.

"Hey Hina! Took you long enough!" He waved.

"Hi Naruto!" I said waving. "Sorry for taking long."

I stopped next to him, quickly examining what he was wearing. Then look down at what I was wearing. I sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"We look bummy."

"We look what?"

"We look like bums. Look! Your wearing sweatpants! I'm wearing uggs!"

Naruto examined what I was wearing. "..yeah.. but at least we're being or true selfs. How much you wanna bet, that people are going to look like there at a job interview and later on the semester there going to looks like us. We actually dress like this everyday."

I stopped panicking. "I guess your right. And plus I don't look that bummy right?"

"More like a stylish type of bummy."

"That should be a trend." I giggled, as he laughed with me.

When the bus arrived, I had felt more nervous then before. I walked inside and notice that Naruto was right; everyone did look like there going to a job interview.. We got in and headed towards the back.

My Best Friends Boyfriend {A NaruHina Story}Where stories live. Discover now