.: Mondays. :.

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Monday finally came around which meant the day I dreaded was finally here. I was mostly scared about talking to Ino but I kinda had this part of me that was tinsy not exited for some reason.. Then again, mostly scared.

Monday also happened to be the day we had a field trip. Only, we weren't going to a Museum or anything. We were actually going to a park not too far from our school. I just hope I wouldn't ruin Ino's day..


We arrived at the park around 9:48 am. I tried looking for Sakura among the crowd so I could avoid her until I find and talk to Ino.

"Hinata ?"


"Ooh.. sorry I was in a rush- oh. Ino, I was meaning to-"

"To talk with me? Sure, what about."

I felt so awkward I wanted to die . "Uh well about .. Naruto and Sakura.."

"Ahh yes, of course. You see, i'm not going to spare you with the details but, Hinata, honey, don't worry about that. Ok? I did you a favor. Go get your man! Take care now! Buh bye!"

"..? ? ?"  (What just happened...) "Wait Ino!"


"I think you should give me details because I'm confused.."

"Oh. Well, I think it's quite obvious.. right girls?" The two girls behind her nodded their heads in agreement.

"What's obvious.."

Ino sighed in frustration. "Hinata, you and Naruto have been the best of friends since we were in diapers, and believe me," she chuckled. "it was preeeeeetty obvious you guys liked each other."

"..no we're just friends.. even if that were true how does this explain why you kissed Naruto and ruin his relationship with Sakura??"

"First of all, you're in denial, and it is true. Second of all it explains it because the moment Sakura comes into you're lives you give up your happiness for the sake of hers. You really think Naruto brought those flowers and chocolates for Sakura that day?? Isn't that too much for just a coincidence?"

I didn't reply.

"..Long story short, i always thought of you as a nice girl who tries so hard to make everyone she cares about happy, but you never get anything in return, so i kissed Naruto. Then Sakura would get mad, they'd break up, you and Naruto get together, and my ship sails."

"..wait, your 'ship sails'-"

"Well, you take care Hinata, me and the girls are going to have fun, you should go talk to Naruto, have some fun! bye now! Hugs and kisses! Muah!"

"..bye?" 'what was that about..'


When I found Naruto, i just awkwardly sat next to him on the bench he was sitting on. Not saying a word.

"Hey, Hinata!" He said, ignoring the awkward tension I radiated. "..Fruit bowl? It's your favorite~!"

"Haha, sure, thanks!" I giggled in response.

As I struggled to open the container, I saw Ino, staring at me. I made eye contact with her for a split 2 seconds, then i looked away.

"You need help with that..??"

"huh? oh sure!" I gave him my bowl and watched him open it, no struggle.

"Is Sakura here?" He passed me back my bowl.

"Noooo... at least, I haven't seen her around..? Why do ask ?"

"..Just. I got another question though."

"hmm? Go for it." i said covering my mouth while eating a (very delicious!) watermelon.

"Why were you talking to Ino?"

The question caught me off guard, i swear i nearly started choking on that water melon.

"No reason..!" I sputtered, in between coughs. "Ahem! uh, just some class project, boring stuff yknow.? hehe."

He sighed. "You're hiding something"

I didn't reply.

"Cmon Hinata, spit it out."

"No, It's not like that, i have nothing to hide! It's really just some school stuff."

"Really?" He suspiciously replied. "Whatever you say Hinata."

I sighed and continued to eat my fruit in frustration.

"Hey, um.. I think i'm going to go home early. Byee..!" i grabbed my bowl and got ready to leave.

"You're leaving already? it's not even past 1:00 yet."

"Err.. it's ok.. it only two more hours! Bye now..!"

"..bye Hina."


The whole point in going to that field trip was to accompany Naruto, so he won't be alone.. but I ended leaving just because I was uncomfortable from what Ino had told me. Not that I believed it.


I plopped onto my bed, as always, and  there. I felt like crying, I was frustrated before, and now I feel guilty, because now everything is directed to me! Because apparentlyyy I 'like Naruto' and 'Naruto likes me' so that's why Ino kissed Naruto, and Sakura's mad.

..Now I really didn't know what I was supposed to do..


-A few months had gone by, including summer break, and we were finally Sophomores. The thick tension still head on with Naruto and Sakura, I ended up hanging out with them separately. Mostly with Naruto since he felt more lonely most of the time, though I did feel bad that I had to make up excuses to Sakura.. not really much of a best friend move there, great thinking Hinata .

Anyways, it was December 17 now, and Naruto and I were just finishing up one of our nightly walks.-

"Well goodnight Naruto!"


I entered my house and started thinking about my situation like I always do ever since it happened.

Then I thought.. maybe it passed, it's been months! It's time to move on. I went up to my room, showered, and went to sleep.


This took soooooo long. And for it to end so bad😭! But I have a way to end this! Again, I apologize for the 2 (or three I don't remember..) month delay. And also, im sorry that this chapter is pretty sure, hope you liked it though! Byee!

My Best Friends Boyfriend {A NaruHina Story}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora