.: My Fault.. :.

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My eyes were closed, and suddenly I felt my knees weak. His kiss was rough but soft and even gentle enough to the point where I didn't mind at all.

His hand was still on my cheek, the other on my lower back, underneath my backpack. My hands were on his chest, wanting to pull away for Sakura's sake but I didn't. Forever seemed to have gone by before Naruto finally pulled away. When I opened my eyes, Naruto gave me a smile that just captured my heart.

"Naruto..?" I covered my mouth with my hand, and I felt my face turning red. My voice soft and quiet with embarrassment. "..why'd you do that..?"

He shook his head, his smile still bright and visible. "You're supposed to be the smart one Hina. I'm sure you know why."

"But.. you love Sakura..!"

"I love you."

I took a step back. My heart pounding so hard I was sure Naruto could hear it as well. This cannot be happening. For Sakura, I really hoped this was just a dream from last night, and I should wake up any minute now.. but most of me wished it was real.

Still, I couldn't let this happen. Hopefully by tomorrow everything would go back to the way it was for the last few months. Hanging out with Naruto and Sakura separately. Or maybe by 'tomorrow' I'll wake up from this nightmare.

"I.. I have to go home. See you tomorrow?" Without even waiting for a response, I turned around and started sprint walking.

"..I'll pick you up at our regular time for walk, Kay?"

I turned around. Hardly nodding, before I turned back around and mumbled, "please don't.." then took a left turn.

The further I got away from where I was with Naruto, and the closer I got home, the more I cried. Today was absolutely terrible.

Sakura and Naruto were supposed to be together forever. Which is the most cliché thing a couple could ever say. Especially in middle school where you would barely know a guy and they'd ask you out then you guys say that you'll love them forever and ever and over the weekend they break up with you. Not that that's ever happened to me. I've never been in a relationship, let alone kiss someone.. that is.. until now.

Back on topic- Naruto and Sakura were supposed to date through all of High School, then through college, then Naruto would some day propose. They'd have a wedding in the most beautiful church and I'll even help set it up. Then they'd have a honeymoon somewhere where the climate and setting just says "I Love You." Like Paris. They would eventually have kids and maybe even grandkids. And they'd spend there lives deep in love, doing the dishes together and watching movies while in fuzzy pajamas. They'd fall asleep together and wake up in the morning together. They were supposed to live one of those Disney Happy Ever Afters.

And of course we even made plans for me. One day I would've found my own true love. And I'd watch movies with him and basically do all the happy shit that Sakura and Naruto was supposed to do. I never really listened to Sakura when she spoke about my future because I guess I was always stuck on the thought of not doing all the happy stuff I want to do with Naruto. Could there even be anyone more understanding then he is to me? Maybe it was engraved in the stars that this incident would happen and the three of us wouldn't be friends anymore. We'd forget about each other, make new friends, and have other people to love. But if that were true... I only wish that they were like Naruto..

When I arrived home, I realized that Hanabi was supposed to be already at the house. So I wiped my tears and I told myself. "I'll be fine."

I came in and tried my hardest to avoid eye contact just so she won't discover that I was crying. Of course, that failed.

My Best Friends Boyfriend {A NaruHina Story}Where stories live. Discover now