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In every hall she entered there were eyes on her. Whispers followed more than usual. It made her scales raise and shutter. So finally, she climbed up through the main stem of her child hood home to a place she hadn't been almost since birth. In the king's quarters she found Riari pacing around an old map illuminated on the table that bulged forth from the ground in the center of the room. He traced rivers on the map with his fingers.


He whirled around. The table's light went out behind him.

Oh, um I'll be down soon.


He nodded waiting for her to leave. Instead she steps forward.

I came to say, I can't take on the title of Grand Nurse. I have helped nothing.

You have removed... a dishonorable killer and made us brave around predators.

Bravery around the predators is a bad thing.

It was considered a bad thing and I need you as grand nurse.

No, you don't.

You won that battel. If you aren't given a title, they will challenge me.

I can't take the title. However, I can work with the responsibility.

That's not how it works.

Irena twitches her ears in response. Riari touches the table again. On it is an image, a crowd shot from before they could collectively remember.

I wonder how many among them are like us, he asked.

None Riari-tsut. We have different blood, she said flatly.

That's not what I meant. What if it's not an accident that we both have wanderlust. Mine suppressed; yours... fulfilled.

Irena waits for him to continue.

What if our people were like Ratchet-tsut.

Irena takes a cautious step forward.

He needs the ground with his claws, I'm just tired of the threats on all sides... In our home.

Irena considers this quietly, what was the image you've created for us?

He hesitates to say more, We could build a friendship with the strangers, like you.

The people though they're...

I've heard the way you talk about them.

There are many dangers to them and They don't always have your best interests at heart.

Riari considers this, so they're like us.

They think of us like beasts.

Like beasts?

You need skill or knowledge to gain their respect.

It is worth a shot. The old ways they aren't working anymore.


Much later a small group Black-demons look down from the trees nearest to Liberation. They scan the humans' defenses. A gift of newly woven cloth hangs from Riari's mouth. Hitki twitches impatiently while riding on Irena's back. At Irena's signal the patrol of 5 climb down from the trees and enter the clearing. Hitiki jumps off and Irena approaches the largest settlement. She takes her humanoid form and knocks on the door. From inside a yellow light flashes.

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