Fault Line

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The team and Delia enter a fairly large submarine station. A chandelier hangs from the ceiling. They check in getting tickets for the area around the Mako house. Submarines floating in thin strips of water. Delia heads in first followed by bob and Alex. Irena peers in seeing how all the seats at cramped together. Then she backs up into Sariel.

"Go on in. You don't have to sit down after they leave the dock. It's just like a smaller starship."

Irena nods darts in. Sariel looks around rubs his neck then enters the submersible.

Irena and grabbed the seat next to Delia.

"I don't normally take the shuttle back to the house but it would be rough on you guys if we took the other way down."

Sariel finds Alex and sits down next to her. She stares blankly at her phone. Sariel places his hand over hers and squeezes it. Alex gives him cold lost stare. He looks down.

"I know you'll be angry at me for a while. If this is what it takes for you to see the truth then I'll take it. If they knew what I know they would tell you the same."

Alex yanks her hand away, "I don't give a shit, Sariel!"

Several people on the submarine look over.

"Alex keep it down."

"I could have gotten it done if I just had a little more," He tracks her facial expression as she loses steam a respectful, sympathetic frown crossing his features, "...time."

Irena sniffs her, "Alex?"

She's quiet.

They get closer to the underwater city of Ithyes a small bright cluster of rectangular objects covered in barnacles and algae in the middle of the organic sea. They enter a sub stop near the city's center. Glass tubes are attached to the main hull and the water is drained between them and the walk way.

Irena is the first to race off the sub. Her feathers stand on end when she realizes she is surrounded by an endless amount of metal and glass again. Used pieces of gum and other litter dots the area around the exit.

Others in the submarine start to exit pushing Irena forward. She scrambles over to a clear space to wait for the others. Once they find her Delia leads the group through the cities' system of glass tunnels to were the buildings become cramped and old-fashioned submariner hotels sprout from the ground like corn stalks.

Delia's massive house rests on old concrete pillars coated in a layer of ornate, colorful corals that twisted together into a coherent design. Despite this the door way and windows are spotless. It rubs elbows with many of the other buildings in the sector. Bright fish dart their way in and out of the artificial nests surrounding the house. Unlike many of the other buildings the city's glass tunnel system doesn't reach the front door.

She pauses at a kiosk and orders three respirators and one blow up ball. Once the team puts on their respirators, they stuff Bob in the beach ball and exit the tunnels. The group swims several yards through the Pacific Ocean, pulling bob along with them, to her front door.

Maids let them in immediately but give pointed looks at her company. The team takes off their gear leaving a puddle in the middle of the foyer.

"Will you find them all guest bedrooms? I know it's rather short notice."

"...Certainly mam, but I do hope you'll be the one to tell your father. He'll have a heart attack."

"Yep, it's going to be a fun conversation."

She glances at Irena.

After a moment Irena responds, "Well that's good."

Alex reaches for the bridge of her nose then steps forward, "I promise we will be out of your hair as soon as possible."

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