End Date

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The house was surrounded by cop cars. Sariel and Bob were nowhere in sight. Alex and Irena with several takeout boxes hide in the forests out side the house. Irena climbs through the trees scoping out the scene. Alex pulls out her phone and turns the brightness all the way down she checks the views from several security cameras inside the building.

From the branches Irena hops down beside Alex. Alex Hardly looks up.

"A good chunk of the cameras were knocked out. That could mean there was a struggle or they are looking through our footage. I can't see Sariel or Bob."

"There are many hot bodies in there."

Alex nods, "Can you look for them?"

Irena gives her a thumbs up and climbs her way back into the trees. Alex pulls out a plasma pocket knife. She starts going to all the cars and quietly sabotages their engines.

Earlier that day Alex had the fixed the engine of an antique convertible. Irena had shown up to take her home at the end of and watched Alex polish at the car like it was her baby for an extra hour. Alex jumped into the driver seat to test how it ran and felt the smooth leather under her fingers she turned it on and felt the high-power purr of her own handy work.

Alex patted the seat next to her and Irena hopped in next to her leaning on her arm. Her skin was surprisingly cool and soft. Alex rested her head against Irena's. Soon Irena's purr joined the car's. Alex got a mischievous glint in her eye.

"I don't think the owner will mind too much if I take it for a test drive. Where do you want to go?"

Irena looked up to the ceiling and replied, "Do you have place of recordings?"

In the tree nearest to the attic window Irena backs up so that her heel touches the core of the tree. She starts running and when she reaches the very end of the limb she jumps. There is a thud as She nails the landing on the roof.

Inside it Major Justice looks up.

Irena reaches down and punches through the wire screen of the old window. Climbing through the hole she finds she resents the smell of the dusty unused room. She feels around the floor for a way down to the main hall and finds the trap door. She puts her ear to the ground listening for conversation or footsteps. The telltale taps on the hard wood floor were close just underneath her. She waits, a difficult feat, and tries to make not to make noise with footsteps of her own.

They migrate to the small bedroom. Irena pushes down on the attic door pausing as it creeks slightly. She peers to the right and left. Seeing no one she pushes the door open farther wincing at the audible squeak of the hinges. She drops her torso into the hall still clinging to the attic floor and lets herself down as gently as she can. She shuts the door behind her with her tail.

She starts heading down the steps and immediately as hides behind a wall for Major Justice's form appears. She hears the footsteps from the small bedroom heading her way. Irena bolts through the only open-door upstairs: the bathroom.

Major Justice hears her she runs up the steps and to the right. Getting in bathroom just in time to only see the flicker of a feathers.

"The other two came back."

The peace in her ear lights up as another officer responds, "Copy that."

Outside Irena hangs digging her claws into the siding. She lets go.

After first stopping at a disappointing record store they had ended up at the library. Alex Pulled out a book on Rome and sat down at a table. She gestured for Irena to come closer. Alex starts reading the book aloud no longer bothered by the demon's endless pacing. As she continues, she feels the pressure of a chin resting on her head and arms sliding around her neck. She looks up. Irena smiles down at her then points to the letter 'I' on the page.

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