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Finally! The sequel is out. And y'all don't know how many times I spelled it sequal and auto correct had to correct me. Anyway, for anyone who doesn't know this is a sequel to 9 Lives of Terror. That fanfic is my greatest accomplishment here on wattpad. I had NO IDEA it would be this popular. So poplar you peeps wanted a sequel! Yes, I spelled it sequal first again. I will never learn, will I? So much for being able to spell. 

Again, this is a fanfic, Warriors belongs to Erin Hunter as you know. 

I want to say a few things before we begin this story. First off I really hope I don't disappoint you all. I doubt this story will be as good as 9 Lives of Terror. I only hope it doesn't turn out horrible. I'll be happy if this story is at least satisfactory.

Second, I want to thank all of you. Like, seriously, for real, I would not have finished 9 Lives of Terror without all of you. I absolutely loved reading your comments, all of them made me smile and kept me motivated. I seriously love all of you. I've never met any of you in real life but I would die for you. 

Okay, now that I've got that out, third: 

This is how my writing schedule has been:

I've been cycling between writing this, editing 9 Lives of Terror, writing Frozen, and completely redoing my own original series Half-Breeds. (Please do not read it I am going to unpublish it and fix it, it is trash at the moment.)

I'm also going to do a whole account make-over? By that I mean I'm going to unpublish a lot of stuff I wrote awhile  ago. I'm saying goodbye to Darkness Falls and everything related to it because that Warriors fanfic is very poorly written compared to 9 Lives of Terror. Cleaning up my account, y'all. Will also unpublish Half-Breeds, but that will return!

Okay thanks for coming to my TED talk. Go ahead and read what you came here for. (I'll also be writing in my Diary #2 again.)

Warriors: From Terror to TortureWhere stories live. Discover now