Character sign-ups

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(Cat picture found on google, photoshopping done by me^)

I'm running out of ideas for creative characters, so, if anyone DOES NOT ALREADY HAVE A (LIVE) CHARACTER in this book, feel free to make one! Sign-ups will be open until chapter five is posted. If no one makes cats, I'l let some of y'all who already have a character make some more. If you want to, that is. Also since this is a sequel they will have to be kits. Quickflash is currently pregnant with Cedarfur's kits, and I haven't planned them yet. So if you want your character in ASAP, make a kit that shares at least one physical trait with either Quickflash or Cedarfur. (Check the allegiance list for their appearance.) if y'all chill with waiting a bit longer, go ahead and make the kit look like anything you want.  Anyway, here's the form fam:


Rank: (kit) 

Clan: ThunderClan, WindClan (you won't be in the story until the end if you chose this though) and a kit that's half WindClan half ThunderClan (only one slot tho)



Personality: (HINT: The more detailed and creative their personality is, the higher chance you have of this cat interacting with the main characters!! Otherwise they'll just be a flat character. Flat character: one dimensional, only embodying a single trait if you didn't know what that meant)

Other: (optional)

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