Chapter 17

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A new chapter!!!  Enjoy!!


"Are you sure? You know we can get sued for this

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"Are you sure? You know we can get sued for this. Alright, alright nevermind then. I'll take care of it. Right, bye." Jae hung up with one of the nurses and rubbed his hands through his hair. A huge mistake was made by the lab tech.

The anon had donated more blood for Soon Yi but the lab tech had accidently dropped the vials of blood on the floor and contaminated the whole supply. It was a mess. The call came upstairs to Dr. Lee that the blood donated couldn't be used.

It was also revealed to him that the anon had left a phone number to call in case of an emergency. It was only to be used in urgent emergencies. Dr. Lee had to make the decision to call the anon to ask him or her to come back to the hospital to donate more blood.

He pulled out his phone and dialed the number.

It rang six times then went to voicemail. Jae cursed. It was urgent. He decided maybe a text message would work better.

DL (Dr. Lee): Ah, this is Dr. Lee from Seoul University Hospital. I'm sorry to contact you like this. It's rather an emergency of sorts. If you could possibly come back to the blood clinic, we need more of your blood for my patient, MIss Soon Yi. When you see this you don't have to respond but quickly come to the hospital, thank you.


Meanwhile someone's phone at this very moment was beeping an incoming text message from Dr. Lee but whose?


Jungkook on his knees looking longingly up at Seokjin nearly made him weep.  He was never in a position of power like that and he wasnt sure what to do.  His heisitation didn't go unoticed by the younger.

He pulled on Seokjin's pant leg and the older refocused his attention on Jungkook sitting on his knees like a good boy.  Seokjin patted the younger's hair and twirled a strand of his peach locks through his fingers.

Jungkook hummed deeply.  It was so soothing and relaxing.  Seokjin's gentle fingers soothed the younger.

"Kook ah, please stand up."  The younger looked at him puzzled.  His hands gripping Seokjin's thighs a bit tighter but he didn't move.

"Please."  Seokjin drawled out the one single word and Jungkook relented though not sure what was going on.

"Seok?  Is there somethin wrong?"  Seokjin caresssed the younger's cheek with his long fingers.  Jungkook leaned into the warm touch.

"I don't want to do this, Kook.  It doesn't have to be like this.  You don't owe me anything nor do you need to prove yourself.  I already know.  I misspoke when I said that comment about you not being any less of a man.   You are a man in every way, Kook. I see it in your eyes.  I also still see the hesitation.  I see the demons.  You don't have to just fuck me to get over those demons.  I'm your friend now.  You can rely on me.  Okay?"  Jungkook's breathe caught in his chest.  No one had ever spoken to him in that way.  In a way that made him feel at ease.

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