- Finland/Estonia -

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Finland jerked awake with a choked out scream ripped from his throat.

He took in large gasps of air as he clutched onto his fluffy blanket, his eyes were wide and his whole body shook in terror of what had just happened in his mind.

Even though he had just woke up, he could barely remember anything from the horrifying nightmare he had just been through.

He wheezed as his lungs struggled to take in air, tears were building up in his eyes as his chest shuddered with every uneven breath he took.

Since his room was so dark he couldn't see a thing, other than a few highlights from the small sliver of light that had managed to creep past his curtains.

His knuckles must have been turning white by how tightly they were curled around the blanket that had basically been thrown off him as he slept.

Finland whimpered, the only sound he was able to make between the large wheezing breaths he took in at a very uneven pace. The tears in his eyes had built up so much that now that he blinked it send a small wave of them dripping down his cheeks.

He sniffled, forcing his hand away from his blanket to shakily reach up and wipe some of the tears oof of his face.

After a couple of minutes of shaky breathing, as well as wiping tears out of his eyes, he managed to calm himself down enough that he could breathe properly again.

Finland leaned back against the headboard of his bed, closing his eyes, an action that sent a few stray tears falling, not that he cared at all in that moment. 

This wasn't an uncommon occurrence for him at this point in the school year, once finals started to come up he stayed up later to finish stuff, which sent him into a stressed panic days before the important tests actually began.

He was grateful that they had given him a dorm room to have on his own, the bad habits he had tended to make people hesitant to be around him sometimes. Though, there was one person who never seemed to mind his strange antics, Estonia.

The small country had been so shy when Finland had first met him, but over a small course of time they grew quite close. So close in fact, that they both didn't realize that they had feelings for each other until it became stupidly obvious.

Finland felt his uneven breath start to settle into a steady rhythm, since it was the only thing that he was focused on at the moment.

He moved his trembling hand over to the nightstand that was to the right of his bed, hesitantly clicking on the light that sat there.

The country didn't exactly want to call Estonia, since when he grabbed his phone and clicked the home button he saw that it was 2:48 AM, but he knew that if he didn't he would just be sitting there for the rest of the night silently.

So, he opened up his phone, clicking on the small phone icon and clicking on the contact name that read 'esti'.

He nervously clicked on the 'call mobile' button, raising the phone up to his ear and wait to see if the other country would pick up.

Much to his surprise, after the third ring the phone clicked and he heard a soft voice from the other side, "Hey Fin...why are you awake so late?"

Finland sniffled and tries not to sound too scared when he started to talk, "I-I just had a nightmare and wanted to talk to you."

He heard a small gasp from the other side of the phone, "Do you need me to come over? I'm just doing some note cards right now so i'd be fine."

Finland was hesitant to say yes, while he did want to cuddle with his boyfriend, he didn't want to be bothering him. 

Estonia seemed to read his mind, due to the fact that he knew exactly what to say, "Can I actually come over? Cause i've been kind of lonely cause my roommate has been super busy lately."

Finland couldn't keep the relief out of his voice when he replied, "Yeah."

Estonia giggled, he heard a small shift on the other side of the phone, "Okay, i'll be over in a few minutes, i'm going to clean up my school stuff, okay?"

Finland let his head fall back against his headboard, a relaxed smile making its way onto his face as he nodded, even though Estonia wouldn't be able to see it, "Okay. Thanks."

There was a moment of papers being shuffled before the other country answer, "No problem! I won't be long!"

After a few minutes of sitting on his bed in silence Finland heard the door open, he looked over to Estonia, who was wearing a hoodie and basketball shorts.

The small country smiled as soon as he saw him, closing and locking the door behind him before he kicked his shoes off and skipped over to the bed. Finland chucked, "Esti, its 2 AM, how are you so bubbly?"

Estonia gave him a teasing look as he set his key chain down on his nightstand before he slid into the bed next to him, "Cause i'm happy to see you!"

Finland blushed slightly, he shifted so that he was laying down and not sitting up against the headboard, "God you're cute."

Estonia set his phone down next to his keys before he slid down to lay right next to him, letting the taller country lean over to cuddle into his side.

Finland rested his head onto  Estonia's chest, feeling relaxed when he felt the smaller country wrap an arm around his back and pull him closer to him. He let his eyes flutter close as he felt Estonia pull the fluffy blanket that he had previously been under back on top of him.

Finland felt warmth slowly begin to fill his chest, as well as a content feeling fill his chest, "I love you."

Estonia felt a similar feeling, smiling as he used his free arm, the one that wasn't wrapped around his boyfriend, to click the light off before he snuggled back into Finland.

He let his eyes close with a soft sigh, "I love you too."

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