- Slow Dancing - Russia/America -

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Okay, quick note before you read this book, I, like Russia in this book, have never learned to dance. The time i 'learned' was when an upperclassmen taught me to waltz, which is kind of (not really I have no clue what I'm doing) what this is. But, that happened like, three months ago, so I don't remember any of it so sorry if this is incorrect! Thank you!

Russia stood at the edge of the bustling crowd.

He was at a party, it was a party hosted by the most ignorant piece of shit that lived in Europe, England, but it was a party none the less.

His father, the Soviet Union had been invited, it was more of an act of common courtesy than actually wanting to go, so, that made most of his children want to go. Russia just asked if he could stay home and watch his two youngest siblings, Belarus, his younger sister, and the youngest of them all, Sovi.

His dad had been fine with it, but Belarus wanted to go and see if there was other kids her age to play with and Ukraine kept begging him because he didn't want to go alone. At first, Russia had refused, but when his brother said that he'd tell their father that Russia had tried to get into their cabinet of vodka he finally caved.

So, that's how he got here, leaning against a wall while an orchestra played in the corner of the room, while he stood awkwardly off to the side. He hated parties, they were loud, and something that was even worse than that was the fact that he had to talk to people.

But Russia had quickly figured out that when he stood silently off to the side with nobody near him, nobody came up to him, he had quickly made his way over to his current spot.

In front of him, people danced to the music playing, dressed swished as people walked around hurriedly.

All while he stood at the edge of the room.

His family had been here for about half an hour now, Ukraine was dancing with a country that was much taller than him, his flag was red with a white stripe down the middle, in the middle of his face was a red leaf. Belarus was giggling and dancing with a couple other kids her age, they were all near the tables of desserts which he quickly realized that the four of them had been sneaking sweets off the table.

A couple of his other brothers sat at the bar that was at the far side of the room, while a couple others were sitting down at the tables in the room and eating.

Sovi, his youngest brother, was in the arms of the Third Reich, who was talking to the Soviet Union, all three of them looked happy to be there.

If only.

Since his father had instructed him to dress nice for the occasion, though he loathed having to dress up he had begrudgingly wore a black suit with a grey dress shirt underneath. Soviet had tried to make him take his ushanka off but he refused, he almost never took his hat off and he wasn't going to do it for some shitty party.

Russia sighed, shuffling his feet as he felt a familiar ache start to become present in his legs, which was due to the fact that they have been locked for the past half hour.

In the small amount of time that he had zoned out and started to think about what time he could possibly convince his dad to make them leave, he didn't even realize that Ukraine had walked up to him.

He looked up from where he was staring down at his feet when he felt someone shake his shoulder, the first thing that he noticed was Ukraine, who had a huge smile on his face, the next, was the country from earlier.

He gave the other country, who was somehow taller than him, a suspicious look, even though he looked like the type who would apologize to a table for bumping into it.

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