- Second Reich/Russian Empire -

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- Warning - This chapter will contain smut! If you aren't comfortable with this then please don't read!

Also, this was one of the first times that I ever wrote smut so please go easy on me! Thank you!

The Russian Empire sat at a desk, his head being held up by his hands as they clutched his face.

It was late at night, or rather, it was in the early hours of the morning, and he could barely keep himself awake at this point.

He glared at the map under him, he had been sitting at the same desk for the last two hours, simply trying to think up another plan. The wars were really getting on his nerves, all the countries always at each other's throats and they constantly fought. He tried not to let it show, but, he had lost his fight in the past few months.

He tried to make a 'plan' to get Germany off of his land, the rest of his allies constantly nagged him about getting the tall country out of his territory. But, there were some things that they didn't know.

The Second Reich was a very large country, not exactly very muscular, but strangely tall, and he always seemed to carry himself with a strange amount of confidence.

Russian Empire felt himself tense up as he tried not to rip the map into shreds, it was starting to piss him off, why the hell couldn't Germany just get off his land? The other had killed many of his people, and he as well as his economy couldn't take this kind of abuse much longer, his land was going to shit. Something that England and all of the other countries didn't know was how the German was behind closed doors. It was terrifying, when he was angry, the tall country would give him a look that made shivers wrack his body. But, he still couldn't bring himself to hate the German, whenever he thought of the times when the country was angry as hell, he also thought of the times were they would fall asleep together.

He growled softly under his breath as he sat up, he was done with all of this at the moment, he needed to go clear his head.

So, he basically stomped over to his door, twisting the door handle and yanking it open with no hesitation. What he didn't expect to be at the door, was a tall country who looked like they were about to knock on the door he just opened. He had to tilt his head up for their eyes to meet, something that he was very resentful about, and couldn't help the way he glared at the other.

"What are you doing here?"

The Second Reich grinned happily at him, something that made his heart beat faster as he knew that something was going to happen.

The tall country smirked at him, seemingly enjoying the way that his hands started to swing nervously at his sides and he looked down at the floor.

"Guten tag, may I come in?"

Russian Empire felt his grip on the door handle tighten, he knew that it wasn't a question, either he opened the door or the other would just shove him out of the way to go in himself. So, he meekly nodded as he moved out of the way, not bothering to say anything because the tall country probably wouldn't listen, he was very headstrong.

The Second Reich walked into the room, the Russian Empire felt himself shrink a bit as the other walked past him, knowing that he wouldn't try and stop him.

Russian Empire knew he was going to be forced to stay up even longer, something that made him just want to lay down on the floor and give up at this point. But he simply closed the door behind the other country, he looked up slightly and watched as the other walked over to his desk and looked over his maps.

He then looked up to him with a stern look, "What's this?"

Russia Empire shuffled up to his desk with his head down, looking like a little kid who just got called out for doing something wrong, "It's just planning, England came over earlier...I let him try to plan something..."

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