- Japan/South Korea -

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Have some cute lesbians-

Japan and South Korea both sat at the small couch in Japan's living room.

It was late on a Friday night, during the school day they had both decided that instead of staying the night at a random jocks place they would cuddle on the couch and watch some movies. They were about half an hour into the first Mean Girls movie and they had a few bags of chips as well as a small tub of ice cream on the coffee table.

Japan had her legs laid across South Korea's lap, her head was resting on the other girls shoulder, her eyes were half open as she stared at the screen with a small grin of her face. South Korea had tight light blue leggings on and a tight tank top, she preferred to wear tight clothing rather than more loose clothing. Japan was wearing a pair of very short athletic shorts, they were black with two white stripes down the side of them, she wasn't wearing any type of shirt, just a pink sports bra. She knew that her best friend was a lesbian but didn't seem to realize what she was putting the poor girl through.

Japan had no problem just walking around in her underwear and a bra, which made South Korea a blushing mess. But, Japan never seemed to be nervous to about being so open with her body around her best friend, and that was a good thing, South Korea knew that if she did it would basically crush their friendship.

It was about eleven at night at the moment, they had been watching movies for about three hours now, they had baked cookies while singing in the kitchen before they started their movie marathon.

South Korea's eyes were starting to get heavy, she had to stay a bit late for cheer practice and it really seemed to wear her out. But, before she could fall asleep, she felt a hand softly shake his shoulder, "Hey South, can I ask you something?"

The taller of the two girls looked over, she was only taller by a few inches, their faces were only a few inches away from each other, "Sure, go ahead."

Japan seemed to think for a couple of moments before she started to ask her question, "So, I know that you're a lesbian and stuff but, why do you like girls?"

South Korea blushed, she nervously started to fidget with her hands, which sat in her lap, "Well, why wouldn't I?" When she saw her best friends confused look her face got even more red as she explained, "Because! Girls are so pretty! And- I dunno, it feels wrong when I kiss guys, it feels nice when I kiss girls. And with girls you always seem to know what the other thinks, it's like- well...I'm not really sure but I like it- oh- sorry for talking so long."

South Korea's face was burning at this point, some of that being from how embarrassed that she felt for going out on a little rant about how much she likes girls, Japan just smiled and rested her head back down on her friends shoulder, "It's no problem! You have to deal with me talking about guys all the time."

South Korea giggled, the blush on her face slowly starting to die down, "I guess so, I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable with me!"

Japan laughed loudly, cuddling closer to her best friend with a wide smile on her face, "Sweetie, it's going to take a lot to get rid of me."

They both giggled and went back to watching Mean Girls, but, after a few more minutes of eating junk food Japan spoke up again, "What is it like?"

South Korea set down the small container of mint chocolate chip ice cream that she was just eating out of, setting the spoon in the lid to the container, "What is what like?"

Japan looked up at her with a mischievous smile on her face, "Being with a girl, like, kissing them or having sex, stuff like that."

South Korea blushed, but the smile never left her face as she started to explain, "Well, um- it's really nice. Like, when you kiss them, it's just really comforting and it's kind of like everything is right. I- It's kind of hard to explain..."

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