- Soviet Is A Good Dad -

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Quick Note - I tried to put everything in Russian in italics but it's not showing up for me, so, sorry if they don't for you. It's pretty easy to know when they speak in russian, so just kinda guess, sorry about that! qwq

Russia's eyes snapped open and he let out a small whimper.

He looked around the dark room in a panic, his body wracked with shivers as he tried not to start crying.

The small boy pulled his knees up to his chest, he pulled the blanket he had closer to him before he sniffled and huddled closer to his pillows. Thinking about the nightmare he was in just moments ago didn't help his case, the haunting thoughts of the thing he saw made his eyes water.

The crying came faster than the boy thought they would, so he was left sobbing softly as he wiped the tears off his face with the sleeve of his sweater.

Russia hated having nightmares for three reasons, they made going to sleep terrifying, he couldn't sleep afterward and they only made having nightmares more common.

He also hated his room, it was terrifying. It was almost always pitch black in during the night, and the fact that there was a dark closet right in front of his bed made it that much worse. It would have been better if the closet had doors, he could just close it that way, but much to his disappointment the closet was always open.

When he heard a noise from downstairs he immediately went quiet and he thought his heart stopped. He listened closer, feeling a little bit better when he realized that it was just his father having a meeting with the rest of his allies. He could pick out a couple of the countries, obviously his father, the Soviet Union, America, England, and it wasn't hard to pick out France as well.

Russia wasn't really sure how he felt about the other countries, he only knew a few bits of information on them. So, he usually kept it to the basics when it came to remembering them, England was an old man who liked to drink nasty leaf water stuff. France was nice and sometimes gave Russia candy, and America was weird and liked to ignore his parents.

They seemed to be discussing tactics, because they would occasionally go silent, probably looking over the maps.

While Russia didn't want to interrupt his father's meeting, the thought of sitting in bed, alone, until the morning made his skin crawl. So, being a terrified six year old, when he got out of his bed he all but sprinted over to his door, his tiny fleece blanket still wrapped around him.

As quietly as he could, he swung the door to his room open and stumbled out into the hallway. His legs wobbled as he made his way towards the stairs, the lights in the hallway were on, so that made him feel a bit better.

He slipped his hand out of the mess of his small blanket and grabbed onto the railing as he went down the stairs one at a time. He could now tell that the countries were not in his father's office, but in the kitchen, probably since there was a bigger table in there.

When Russia got to the doorway to the kitchen, he didn't enter right away, instead, he opted to stick his head out from behind the wall to see what they were doing.

America was leaning back in his chair looking fairly bored, England was moving something around on the map, France was looking over a paper, and Soviet was looking down at the map while looking conflicted.

The lights in there were bright, which was one of the reasons that he was glad they were in the kitchen, his father's office was dark, and honestly kind of creepy sometimes.

Gathering up whatever courage he had left, Russia took in a large breath and, keeping his head down, shuffled into the kitchen. He wasn't noticed by anyone other than America, who just waved at him before looking back up to the ceiling.

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