- Serbia/Croatia -

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This is gonna have some self harm in it so if you are uncomfortable with that kind of stuff I suggest you don't read this!

Also a lot of these will just have the ship name as a title because I can never think of them!

Serbia sat in his room, the lights were off and the room was completely quiet, the only light in the room was the moonlight that shone through the closed blinds on his window.

It was quiet, 2:34 AM.

He was the only country in the apartment at the moment, the other country who lived there, his best friend Croatia, said he was going out with friends for the night. Croatia was probably the only person Serbia would tolerate, he had always been so kind to him that he could never do anything to hurt the other in any way.

Croatia was about a quarter foot taller than him, he loved to tease him about it, to which he would just smile and shove him. Other countries would sometimes try to do the same only to have him yelling at them for the next half an hour.

So, in short, Croatia was his only friend.

But, for the other, it was quite the opposite. Croatia had tons of friends, since the country was so outgoing and kind, other people just seemed to be drawn to him. Serbia realized that he had feelings for his best friends when he started to hang out with him less than usual.

When Serbia realized that Croatia hung out with other people more and more, he couldn't help the wave of sadness that washed over him. He had depression in high school, he had self-harmed, but once he met Croatia, he had slowly stopped his bad habits. When Croatia found out about the cuts up and down his arms, he had helped him stop, he was the reason he stopped. But, he hated the fact that he was so dependent on his best friend, and once he spent less time around him, his depression seemed to come back twice as strong.

Serbia set down his phone, he was watching Netflix on his phone, and he pulled up the sleeve at his sweater to look at the bandages on his arm. He felt his chest tighten as he thought of Croatia again, he couldn't help it, he just wanted him to be with him again. He just wanted to spend time with him, he just wanted his friend back.

The country felt his chest tighten, his vision started to go blurry as his eyes filled with small tears. He took in a shuddering breath, he turned his phone off before he pulled his legs up against his chest.

Serbia blinked, which sent warms tears slipping down his face and dripping onto his knees. He sniffled as he felt sobs start to build up in his throat, he knew that if he started to cry that he wouldn't stop. But he couldn't help the it when he buried his face into his knees and started to sob his heart out.

The tears just seemed to keep flowing for the next ten minutes, and by the end of it his eyes were red and puffy. He tried to stop himself, but his body seemed to be on autopilot as he stumbled out of his bed and over to his bathroom. He whole body trembled as he made his way over to the sink, he opened the cabinet that sat below under the sink to look for a certain box. I didn't take long to find it, when he did he pulled it out as he sat down on the cold tile floor of his bathroom. He opened it to see the contents of the box, a few rolls of bandages, some alcohol wipes, and lastly, a few sharp razors.

Serbia felt like the tears only flowed faster as he pulled the small pieces of metal out, he felt like everytime he marked his skin his problems seemed to get better. So, he shakily put his hand near his arm, and he started to sob as he sliced the blade across an unmarked spot on his arm. After a few minutes he remembered the reason he was doing this, Croatia, he squeezed his eyes closed when he thought about how disappointed the country would be if he saw him like this. This only make him cry harder and push the razor deeper.

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