「【 #3 】」

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Big Trigger Warning: Things get very graphic.

Long story short: Leon dies.

Ishimaru's POV

I heard the baseball player's scream from downstairs. It was time.

This is what he deserves for getting too close to Mondo. This is exactly what that filthy red head deserved.

I slipped my surgical mask over my mouth and descended down the the final level of my house. I kept hearing his screams, clear panic in his voice. It filled me with joy, I felt the excitement growing inside of me.

"Good Evening Kuwata." I greeted him using a calm voice. I could sense his fear in his response. "H-how d-d-did I get h-here, w-why am I tied up?" He questioned me back. "Allow me to explain." I started to stroll around the room.

"You're Mondo Owada's best friend, am I correct?" I allowed him to respond, he muttered out a simple yes. "And because of that relationship you must go. Kuwata think about it, you truly won't be missed. There will always be more baseball stars. Mondo will move on and forget about you. Mondo is my true love and no one should be allowed close to him other than me."

"W-what? D-dude I don't even l-like Mondo like that man, w-were just friends, I ditch p-please just let me g-go" Leon pleaded with me in vain, I wasn't going to let him go anytime soon. "pLeAse L-l-lEt mE gO" I mocked him letting out a laugh. "It's over for you Kuwata, just accept it. Oh and trust me this will be painful" I walked over to a box in the far corner of the room.

I kept hearing Leon scream for help it was slightly getting on my nerves at this point. I brushed the thought aside and dug through the cardboard box. I'll start with the basic knife and move on from there.

I turned on my heel and walked back towards Leon, I made sure he could see the knife. I could see the sweat dripping down his forehead. I cut up Leon's jacket to shreds making it fall of easily. His arms were now exposed and really for a nice smooth slice.

I made the first cut.

Nice, smooth, and deep. I heard Leon wince and saw tears starting to roll down his cheeks. For poor Leon this was only the beginning. I kept making more and more cuts slicing his open in multiple places. The blood started flowing out and staining the floor and the table.

More screams of pain could be heard coming from the baseball star, music to my ears.

"Awww looks like little Leon is in a bit of pain there, but you know what they say, pain is the best medicine" I growled at him and threw the knife down. I walked back to the corner of the room, watching the blood pour out of him.

I filled a rusty bucket with some rubbing alcohol, sure to make those cuts sting. I carried the full bucket back over to my victim. His struggling was starting to slow down. I let out a smile before dumping the bucket full of the liquid right on his blood stained arms. Screams could be heard coming out of him.

"Those legs look awfully clean Leon. How about I change that. And while you're at it you better apologize for getting to buddy buddy with my lover" I walked back to the box once again, he managed to mutter some apologies out, still wasn't enough for me. I dug through my box once again and pulled out acid for the last step and saw I stole from my dad's tool kit.

I strolled back over to Kuwata, tears flowing non stop down his face. "I-Ishimaru p-please-" he muttered, I stopped him mid sentence. "Oh stop with the whining, this is all your fault anyways" I scolded him and positioned the saw at his upper thigh. It's about time I got to this part anyways. I pressed the saw down and began to cut, didn't take long for the blood to start flowing out. With all this blood loss, Leon wouldn't be alive for much longer.

The first leg came off pretty easily, of course Leon's screams were a bit distracting but I got the legs off quickly. Blood was everywhere at this point, it was flowing out of his body like a fountain. I took a step back at what I just did. I smiled knowing that I get closer and closer to Mondo with each person I eliminate.

At this point Leon probably passed out from blood loss, I felt his pulse slowing down. It was almost his time to go, I grabbed the bleach bottle and poured it all over his leg less bloody body.

A few moments later, I'm pretty sure he died. He sure wasn't moving or breathing. I untied his lifeless body, his arms limply falling down each side of the red stained table.

I tied some towels around the main bleeding areas and hoisted him over my shoulder. It was dark by now, and it was a short walk to where I bury my victims.

I walked up the basement steps and through the back door.

Once arriving at my location I throw his body in one of the many abandoned wells in the area. I let out a sigh of relief as a rushed home.

I still had hours of cleaning ahead of me...

「【 My One True Love ↝ (Ishimaru x Mondo) 】」( On Break For Now)Where stories live. Discover now