「【 #2 】」

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Ishimaru's POV

The school's ending bell ran through my ears. It was finally time to leave. I ran to my locker and packed everything up as fast as I could.

My plan was simple.

• Wait for Leon to finish his baseball game
• Pretend to congratulate him or cheer him up (depends on how the game goes)
• Once we walk past the forest-like area of our school, I knock him out with a hit to a head.
• Since I live so close to the school, I can simply carry him to my home
• My dad is out on a business trip making the house empty

I quickly ran down to the campus baseball diamonds and hid out behind some bushes, this was gonna take a bit, but I didn't mind waiting.

Probably around 30 minutes later I heard the game beginning to start. Sports always bored me, so I made sure to bring some stuff to keep myself entertained.

• Water, gotta stay hydrated if you're gonna murder :)
• My phone
• Homework, have to stay on top of my studies

Well the last one was of course my favorite. It was a photo album of all my other photos of Mondo, couldn't fit them all in my collection. Some of these photo were easy to get and some were quite quite challenging.

I looking at my favorite one out of all of them, the one I took in the locker room, call me creepy all you want, but it was an adrenaline rush getting that photo. I hid in one of the lockers and sat there for quite a while until the boys started rushing in from gym class. I knew exactly where Mondo sits and everything, so when he naturally sat down I took at many photos as I could. I was even able to snatch his hair comb that he left. That was a good day.

After scrolling through my album about a million times, I finally heard the game rapping up. Hopes Peak winning of course. No one could really beat Leon, he was really really good.

After a few more moments, the baseball team started to go their separate ways.

It was time.

I felt my heart begin to pound, now or never. I ran to catch up with him.

"Hey! Congrats on the win Leon, you were awesome out there!" I gave him a slap on the back and a smile. "Thanks Taka!" He responded. We talked a little bit more before we got into the wooded area. While Leon wasn't paying attention I slowly grabbed the hammer from my backpack pocket.

"Yeah you should of seen the other team they were totally-"

*W H A C K*

Leon didn't get to finish his sentence before he fell on the concrete below. That definitely had to hurt. I smiled and picked up the passed out baseball player. I stepped off the path and started my decent home, smiling the whole way there.

~ Time Skip ~

I stepped inside a quickly walked down the basement steps. I call it my dungeon, but it's just a simple unfinished basement.

I put his limp body down on the table and I proceed to tie him down. I made sure it was tight, he's not escaping my grasp.

"I'm sorry Leon" I let out a laugh at his tied up body.

Now I just have to wait. I run upstairs up to my room and grab everything I needed. Things were going to get messy and I could never ruin my school uniform. I place it back on its hanger and grab a hoodie and some jeans. I rummage through my drawer until I found my surgical mask.

I sat down in front of my collection, my eyes gazing into Mondo's non blinking ones.

One day you'll be mine, one day...

「【 My One True Love ↝ (Ishimaru x Mondo) 】」( On Break For Now)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant