We're So Screwed

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The art above is not mine. Kudos to whoever drew it. It's realllly good! (I love Scorose no offense to any Scorbus shippers out there.)

Rose was the first one to react, she took out her wand, but as soon as she did Harry, whose wand was already out yelled, Expelliarmus, disarming her, Scorpius, Albus and James.

"Who are you?" He asked them, voice trembling, then to James, "Who are you?"

"Your son," James put simply.

Albus kicked him in the shins, "JAMES!' he hissed.

"Geez, lighten up, I was joking! I just meant to lighten the mood..."

Arching her eyebrows Rose said, "I'm Rose Violet, and he is James Parker. While —"

"You just said his name was James Sirius Potter. Potter. Not Parker. Who are you... bloody hell Harry he looks exactly like you!"

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Are you Death Eaters here to sabotage the tournament?"

Scorpius snorted. "We already did..."

"What?" Hermione asked sharply.

"Um, nothing. See we're in your year, Rose here was just making a joke... yeah..." Albus replied nervously. Meanwhile, Rose was tempted to scream out in frustration. She just had to be stuck with them!

"So you're not Harry's future child," Hermione ventured.

Harry blanched. He had been quiet for awhile, but now this was getting too far. "''mione are you okay? He looks like me and 'Scorpius' looks like Malfoy, but that doesn't mean..."

A look of comprehension went over Ron's face. "'mione's right... I mean, there are such things as Time-Turners and—"

James burst out in a fit of laughter. "Sorry I couldn't take it anymore you're all so stupid. You finally figured it out. What Rose!" Rose had kicked him in the shin. "They figured it out! The Golden Trio! Like they always do... Aunt Hermione, Uncle Ron and Dad. Yay."

"Uncle Ron!" the red-hair exclaimed in surprise. "That means... YOU MARRIED MY SISTER HARRY!!!" Harry himself was rubbing the back of his neck trying to process this information. "And your son is a FRIEND of a Malfoy. Not only that, but he's in SLYTHERIN. A Slytherin Harry."

Rose, quite angry with everyone, couldn't contain herself and yelled, "So, I'm friends with a Malfoy. And I'm your daughter. So? You all make up at the end. Ha! We're screwing with history already, why not tell them ourselves! Ron you marry frickin' Hermione, so don't go around judging Unc— Harry." Ron, as red as his hair looked back from Hermione to him.

Hermione was blushing furiously and attempting to look at everything else besides Ron. Scorpius himself was trying not to spontaneously combust from all the people defending him.

Rose, not even finished, continued, pushing Albus (who was trying to calm everyone down) out of the way, "It doesn't matter if you're in Slytherin or not. Slytherin isn't evil. It was made evil because of prejudices like people from you. For God's sake I have a crush on a bloody Malfoy so don't —"

Everyone froze. Complete silence. Then all hell broke loose.

Last Edited: June 21, 2019

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