"Let's see how you do in warmups." Ash says.


"What's up?" Kelley asks.

"I'm gonna need someone to tape up my hands."

"I got it." My twin says.

Kelley then does an immaculate tape job and gets my tape job successful done down to the minute details. Once she's finished I put on latex gloves then we do our prematch routine. After Kelley has massaged my hands she helps me off the table then hands me the small trash can. I grab my gloves from my locker then follow the group out for warm ups.

Once me and the other two keepers get to the goal I put the trash can behind the net so it doesn't get hit then I get ready to warm up.

- - - - -

"I don't understand you." Kelley says as she and a couple of the other girls walk with me to the locker room.

"What do you mean?"

"You have a 101.6 fever, you threw up 12 times last night, and half an hour ago you were getting fluids through an IV yet you just pulled off three world class saves."

"In warm ups." Mal adds.

"Oh." I say as we get to the locker room

I walk to my locker and take off my gloves. Next I head to the bathroom and put on my jersey then come out and put my keeper gloves on again. Once that's done, Dawn helps me back onto the training table then hands me a Gatorade and she puts a cold towel on my forehead.

As I'm waiting for the pregame speech stuff I notice the TV in the room has on the Fox broadcast.

"Kels." I say.

"What's wrong?" Kelley says and approaches me.

I just point to the tv.

"Where's the remote?" Kelley asks

A couple seconds later one of the staff hands her the remote so Kelley turns up the volume.

"Welcome back to our coverage of the first semifinal USA versus England." Rob stone says.

I still don't like him after what he said about us after the Thailand game.

"We have new images coming in from the stadium."

The video shows Kelley helping me into the stadium while Dawn walks behind us holding the IV bag. It then shows me on the training table trying to rest while getting fluids through 2 IV's.

"How is this going to affect the USA's chances today?" Rob asks.

"Judging by the starting line up it won't affect them at all." Alexi says.

"So I'm starting?" I ask my twin.

"You are." Kelley says then she helps me drink.

"Cool." I say.

"Our Alex Curry just spoke with head coach Jill Ellis." Rob says as Jill comes into the locker room.

"Jill we saw Astrid O'Hara have to be helped into the stadium by her sister while getting an IV. What's ailing her?" Alex Curry asks.

"She has a stomach bug that has been in her system for the last day or two."

"How has this affected her training leading up to today's game?"

"She hasn't trained in a couple days. All she's been doing is getting sick and getting fluids through an IV."

"Is this going to affect her starting position?"

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